Rani Is Back/Meet Asher.

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I would get back from California a few hours before Rani's plane would land. I had Asher's Dad's Day to attend. Jasiri didn't tell him I was coming, so this would be a surprise for him. 

I still can't believe I have a son. This is still setting in, but I can't wait to meet him.

Asher's kindergarten was easy to find, thanks to Jasiri's directions. I sat in my rental car and felt the nerves hit me.

I was about to meet my son. Why is this the most terrifying thing I've ever faced? And that's counting the court case turned shoot off, Rani almost being kidnapped, and asking her to marry me. Also, asking her uncle for permission to marry her. I thought he was scary before I brought up marriage to Rani. I could hear how his voice changed the second I brought it up. Meeting my son was so much worse.

Someone tapped on my window. Jasiri waved at me. She's changed so much, was it motherhood?

I got out and gave her a hug. "It's so good to see you again," Jasiri said.

"You too," I told her, "Though I wish you'd told me about a certain someone sooner."

Jasiri chuckled. "Sorry about that again Kion," she said, "I was just a little scared about what you would do. But Asher's happiness is more important than any fear I had. I'm so glad you could make it."

"Me too," I said, hiding my nerves, "I wouldn't miss this. I already missed a bunch in Asher's life, I'm not going to miss any more."

Jasiri took my hand and started walking me towards the building. "I can't wait to see Asher's face," she said, "Ever since I showed him your photo, he takes it everywhere with him. He says good morning to it and good night. He'll tell it about any dreams he has and about what happened in kindergarten. I don't know whether to say aw or worry that he's losing his mind."

"He's five," I said, "Five year olds will talk to imaginary friends, pets, and pictures. I wouldn't worry about him losing his mind, just say aw." Asher's really going to excited to meet me. My nerves started to fade away.

When Jasiri brought me to his classroom, I saw little Asher. About 25 kids and their dads were already in there with the teachers. I saw one little boy, Jasiri's exact likeness with my birthmark, sitting by himself. I touched my own birthmark, he was mine.

"As it turns out," Jasiri said, "Asher's the only one without a dad. The rest of them have at least one, some have two, and one for some reason has five dads. I didn't ask." Five dads? Why? Should I ask?

I sighed. "Well," I said, "Let's fix that." I grabbed the doorknob and opened the door. "Ladies first," I said.

Jasiri walked into the room of squealing kids and laughing dads. I'll be a part of the second group soon. "Miss Outsid," one of the teachers said, walking up to Jasiri, "You know this is an event for the dads, right?"

Jasiri nodded. "I figured I should introduce you to Kion," she said, nodding to me, "He's Asher's dad."

"Hi," I said, "Nice to meet you."

The teacher smiled. "It's nice to meet you too," she said, "Asher didn't tell me you were coming."

"It's a surprise," I said, "He doesn't know yet."

"Daddy!" A pair of little arms wrapped around my legs. I looked down to see little Asher hugging the highest part of me he could reach happily. "You came!" Asher cried, "You came! You're here Daddy!"

I knelt down and pulled Asher in. "I'm here now," I told him, "And I'm going to be around much more often from now on."

"Yes!" Asher screamed with joy. Then he turned to the class. "Told you I had a dad Todd!" he said. 



I finally got home. My flight was California to Texas was delayed, Rani and Amahle were held up at integrations, and there was traffic. But we were finally all home now.

"Is this your home Rani?" Amahle only spoke Swahili, I think that's it, and of course, I don't speak it.

Rani nodded. "This is where we'll stay for a little bit, but soon we'll all move to a place up north. There, you'll learn English and go to school and we'll send money for our family's land."

I have no idea what she just said. I need to learn Swahili, or Amahle English, or both. Both would be best.

Rani took Amahle to her new room and I hung back to make coffee. I knew visiting Asher for Dad's Day would be rough, but it was worth it, even with all this extra stuff. Asher was an amazing artist for being color-blind. His color-blindness only made his art more interesting because of the crazy choices. Then again, he is Jasiri's son as well as mine. Jasiri illustrates books now, she gets paid a lot for it too.

Rani came back out and hugged me from behind. "Are you speaking English now?" I asked, "Because I could not understand a word of you said to Amahle the whole car ride."

"I'm speaking English," Rani said. She poured herself a coffee cup and leaned against the counter. "So, how was Dad's Day with Asher?"

I sighed and smiled happily. "Amazing," I said, "Asher's wonderful. He's a pretty good artist for a five-year old. He doesn't just do stick figures like the other kids. I think you'd like him."

"I better," Rani said, "I'll be his step mother soon."

"Huh?" I asked. Step mother?

Rani set her cup down and put her arms around me. "I said yes, Kion," she said. I remember her just saying yes on the phone, how long ago was that? Anyway, I don't think I ever figured out what the yes was for. "I said yes to marrying you," Rani told me. That cleared everything up.

Also, YES! Slam dunk! Jackpot! Bingo!

I put my cup down and pulled Rani in close. "I love you," I told her, "I can't wait for us to be husband and wife."

Rani lay her head on my shoulder. "I can't wait either," she said, "And to think, it's all because I killed a lion."

"Yeah," I said, "You still have to tell me about that."

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