Nuka's Troubles With Women.

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That's all I have to say right now. Women! Us men would be so much better off without them. 

Whenever I approach a woman, she is either not interested or only hangs out with me to get Kovu or money. Why do gold diggers have a habit of finding the rich guys?

Yeah, I have a small fortune of my own now. But I worked hard for it and I'm not going to let some woman just worm her way into my life only for the money. I'm also not letting some woman use me to get to Kovu. He's getting married for goodness's sake, leave the guy alone!

Kovu and Kiara were moving out once they were married. That'll leave me in my house all alone. I spent years taking care of my brother, and yeah, I'm glad he's marrying the love of his life and all, but I don't know what I'm going to do with that house now. The extra bedrooms, the large backyard, and spacious areas were perfect for Kovu in his wheelchair. But they'll just be empty once the husband and wife to be move out.

I figured a girlfriend would help a little bit, but I've never had much luck with that. For example, I'm in the men's bathroom right now washing coffee off my shirt. Linda from accounting dumped her drink all over me as a way of saying to leave her alone. Well, I had some women burst out laughing when I asked them out. Also, it's not like I wore a white shirt today, I started wearing brown or black to hide coffee stains.

Yes, I'm a grown man that spills coffee on himself almost daily. Get over it.

Anyway, once I was done in the bathroom, I headed back to my office. I heard laughter along the way. What was so funny? I looked. Two employees were laughing a new trainee who couldn't work the printer. I've been there. Then I saw that one of the employees was filming.

I came into the room. "What are you doing?" I asked the employees, "If she can't figure out the printer, then help her instead of laughing at her. What do you get paid for? Delete that video right now and get back to work."

The employees knew me as an executive and the C.E.O.'s cousin. Those two were also under my command, so I'm the boss here. The one who filmed the whole thing deleted the video and they both walked back to their desks ashamed. They should be ashamed by the way.

I turned to the trainee. She was pretty. I bent down to help her pick up the papers she made the printer spill out onto the floor. "Don't pay attention to them," I said to her, "A lot of guys around here are jerks. That's New York for you."

"Thank you," she said in a Jamaican accent. She looked Jamaican, dark hair, dark skin, flower hair clip. At least, that's how Jamaicans are portrayed in the movies, unless they're all tribal and that sort of thing. "This is an awful first day."

"Been there," I said, "My first day, I broke the coffee maker. I still don't know how. I did everything I was suppose to do, yet it smoked."

The trainee chuckled. Her laugh was loud, but she didn't seem to care. "I am Angie Lusie," she said, "Thanks again for your help."

"Nuka," I told her, leaving off the King part until later, "Think nothing of it Mrs. Lusie."

"Miss," Angie corrected. She's available.

I chuckled. "Sorry, my bad." 

I stood up to leave. "See you around," I told her, "And if anyone else is bothering you, tell me. We don't allow that here." Angie smiled brightly.

I told Simba about the encounter. "You did the right thing," he told me, "I know the trainee. Miss Lusie has a lot going on in her life."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Her kid has cancer," Simba told me, "And she's on her own. That kind of stuff Nuka, but she's getting everything in order. I think she'll be alright."

I thought about Angie as I walked with Simba to one of the meeting rooms. Big meeting today, something went wrong with our Hong-Kong building and we have to relocate. We're deciding if we want this empty building towards the center of the city or another one that's falling down anyway. The falling down building means we'd have to rebuild, but the land's a lot cheaper.

Hard decision. 

(I will be taking the rest of this week off. For those that don't know me personally, which I believe is everyone who reads this, I'm a dancer and it's showcase week. My whole week will be filled with practices, pictures, dress rehearsals, and three actual showcases. On top of that, I have to help with graduation and I'm teaching a group of little kids a dance to 'We Don't Talk About Bruno' and I lost my Mirabel halfway through the last practice. Pray that this week goes smoothly. See you in a week.)

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