Five Years Later.

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Man, this Jeep just has to hit every little thing it can doesn't it. Rani and I were finally visiting her family in Africa. We had Amahle, now a beautiful teenager, Asher, and our little Janna with us. Janna was not loving this ride.

Thankfully, we stopped on a hill. After our luggage was dumped off the Jeep and the driver drove off leaving us in a puff of smoke, Rani picked Janna up and showed her the small village a short walk away. "That's where Grandpa was born," she said in Swahili. Janna could speak English and Swahili fluently even at her age. I still had problems at times.

Man, I hope I don't embarrass myself in front of these people. Great, now that I thought that, I'm gonna do it.

Asher held up his hands to frame the landscape inside them. "I'm going to draw this," he said, "And it will be in black and white because I just don't want to deal with the colors."

I chuckled. "Alright," I said, "King family, let's go meet these people."

Rani chuckled. "Don't worry Kion," she told me, "After you helped them buy their land back, they'll love you. Besides, you're rich for an American. You are worth so much more money over here than you are in America."

I had to chuckle. "I'm not worried about money Rani," I told her, "I'm worried that I'll mix up good and poop." Rani snickered.


"Another win," my junior partner, even though he's older than me by six years, told me. I looked up at him, seated comfortably in my office chair. He stood over me. "How on earth do you do it?"

"By studying the case thoroughly," I said, "Also, I have all the laws of the land and the rules of court memorized. Along with many other things of course. I also tend to apply logic to my cases as well as taking only the cases that I know are good ones." He already had the board look on his face. I sighed. "When's lunch?" I asked.

My partner shrugged. "I think it's like 10:30-ish," he said. He checked his watch. "And my watch is three hours off."

I sighed and checked my phone. "It's 11:07, Eastern Stander Time," I told him, "My next client won't be here until 1:45, so I'd say our lunch should be around 11:30." I have amble lunch time because I know I'm going to find something to read during lunch.

"Out to eat?" my partner asked.

I shook my head. "Not this time," I told him, "My daughters decided to pack my lunch today. They did not do such a bad job. Though I question the putting pickles in the peanut butter and preserves sandwich they made."

My partner laughed and left me in my office. I picked up the file before me and shredded it. It was simply facts that are unimportant, I have them backed up on my computer if I needed them.

The door slid open. I looked up. Jack and Joann Walker. "Hello," I said, "And your reason for being here it?"

"You're our son," Jack Walker said.

"Congratulations," I told them, "You figured it out. What is next for you both?"

"You left us alone," Joann Walker told me, "How dare you sit here in this cushy office while your own parents are on the streets."

"You left me in the hospital," I told them, "You gave me up. Now you expect me to care for you? And when you adopted me and my siblings, you wanted me for money. I'd still be winning cash prizes for you if you had your way. But I'm not. Look, I am going to tell you something, then I'm calling security. You are not my parents, you have never been my parents, you will never be my parents, and you most certainly will never be allowed anywhere near my children. I will sue you if you try to come close to them. Now, will you see yourselves out, shall I call security, or shall I escort you out?"

I amazed them at that moment by standing up. I could walk now, sure it was with a cane and I get tired out easily doing so, but I can walk. They never saw it coming.


I looked at Dad's grave. He had died and there was finally a body in his grave. Sure the date had to be updated, but that was being worked on. Nala held my hand as the date was changed to the day he actually died on. "Are you okay?" she asked.

I nodded. "Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, "I got what I wanted, more time with him. Our kids got to see him, all of them. Even our grand-kids got to see him and he got to see them. Sure, even more time with him would have been great, but I'm thankful I got the few years I did with him."

"And to think," Nala said, "You were the poor orphan kid growing up."

I laughed. "Yeah," I said, remembering the old days, "Not a penny to my name that I knew of. Now I'm visiting my parents graves, trillions of dollars in my bank account, and a family of my own."

"We should go to our 30 year high school reunion," Nala said out of the blue, "We never went before, we should go. The girls are old enough to stay home for a weekend, or we could call Kopa. Wait, he's still with Hannah on her tour. Nuka, let's call Nuka. He and his wife can take care of them."

I eyed her. "I don't get a choice in this, do I?" I asked. She shook her, I knew I had no choice in this matter. "Alright," I told her, "We'll go. When is it again?"

"In a month," Nala said, "I figured we can go early and see all the places we used to hang out. Our old school, the fields we played soccer in, the beach."

"Watch Secret Life Of Pets," I suggested, "Who knew a movie could bring back memories?"


Another day of this madness.

Since my death, I have spend every single day and night reliving Mufasa's life. I see all that he went through.

I get it! He's perfect! I'm evil! STOP THIS ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author's Note: Yay! It's done! See little sister, I did it. Now stop. (Little Sister tries to push another fanfic on me. I throw it away) I did this one, it's done. It's not a crappy story even though I didn't really want to write it. I care about my stories' quality. (Little Sister has another fanfic) I will hurt you. (Little Sister puts fanfic away) Thank you.

To all of my readers who have loved this story, please check out some of the stories I didn't have to have an annoying little sister force me to write. I am currently working on a new one. It's called A Guardian Love Story-Just Starting Out. I will publish the first part of it in September on the twelve. (Little Sister tells me to make sure the readers know I am writing this in 2022) They know now for sure. I have many other stories up and I am working on getting a book published in real life.

Until we meet again, I am Lioness. (Little Sister wants to say goodbye too) Alright, make it quick.

Bye-bye! Make my big sister write another fanfic!


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