The Groom Arrives.

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I take my place at the alter. Rani will walk down the aisle to meet me soon. I'm finally marrying her. This is going to be the best day of my life.

Bunga took his best man spot besides me. He had a relaxed grin on his face, like always, but there was something about his eyes. They glazed over the crowd. "This is a lot of people," he said, "I kinda thought your wedding was going to be like your sister's. I mean, you're twins and all and you can read each other's mind, no matter what you say about that. One just has to, you know, look like the other one. Who's it gonna be?"

I sighed. "That's not how it works Bunga," I told him, for the number of time bigger than the amount of money that King Industries makes in five years, "And Rani and I wanted a big wedding. We really love each other and wanted to make this day one to remember."

"It certainly will be a day to remember Kion," Kopa told me, "The day I become the only King child legally allowed to get married left unmarried."

"You really need to pop the question to Evie," I told him.

"Spoiler alert," Kopa whispered, "When Rani goes to throw her bouquet, I'll be standing behind Evie when she's handed it. The ring is in my pocket right now."

I eyed my big brother. That was some way to pop the question. Plus, Mom and Dad will see him do it. I hope Evie says yes, it would be embarrassing if she said no. That would be the worst thing to happen today. Hopefully, everything goes great and Kopa and Evie start their own wedding plans and Rani and I have a wonderful honeymoon and Kiara has five wonderful babies of course.

I have nothing to be worried about except how Kovu and Kiara are going to handle five babies when Kovu can't even walk.

Then the music switches to the Bridal March and my heartbeat quickens. I was about to get married.

The Lion King In The Human World Part 3Where stories live. Discover now