One Day Before The Wedding.

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Bachelorette party, that's suppose to calm me down right? It's not working. Sure, this is nice, a small cafe in New York City Mrs. King found, Nermala, Kiara, Mrs. King, Hannah, Anga, Fuli, Makini, and myself in a big 'bride to be' sash, a live band plays in the background. And yet, I am still silently stressing about the wedding tomorrow. Sure, everything is planned out. Mom's dress looks great on me, we have a priest, and Timon and Pumbaa are paying for the window and painting. But someone tell that to my nerves!

"Are you excited Rani?" Makini, a girl I don't know too well, but well enough for me to invite her to be a bridesmaid, "You are getting married tomorrow morning. Months and months of planning is finally coming to fruition, whatever that means."

"You're working on becoming a brain surgeon and you don't know what fruition means?" Anga asked. Makini only shrugged.

I sighed. "Honestly, I am freaking out inside," I said, "Why am I so nervous? I get that all brides are nervous, but this bad?"

Mrs. King and Nermala shot glances at each other. As the oldest women in the group, Mrs. King being only two years older than Nermala, they were in charge here. Kiara also chuckled, understanding what it's like to go through your wedding day. "Don't worry Rani," Nermala said, "Nothing is going to go wrong. The wedding is going to be perfect, just like you want it. Not even your O.C.D. burdened mind will find anything wrong with it. It's going to be okay."

"Remember what I told you on my wedding day," Kiara chimed. I shot her an annoyed glance. I'm allowed to be snippy, not only is it my wedding day tomorrow, but I have a little secret that not even Kion knows about. I'll tell him on our wedding night, he can't be upset with me.

I fingered my 'bride to be' sash. I don't get why this is a thing. It's not like businesses will give bachelorette parties special treatment or anything.

"Hello," a voice said, "My name is Lydia and I will be your server this evening."

I looked up, it couldn't be. "Lydia?" I asked.

Lydia meet my gaze. "Rani?" she asked, "Rani Queen, is that you?"

"Do you two know each other?" Fuli asked, glancing from me to her.

Nermala chuckled. "They were best friends growing up," she said, "It's so good to see you again Lydia."

Lydia smiled at Nermala. "You too Mrs. Queen." Then it seemed like she saw my sash. "Rani, you're getting married?"

I had to smile, didn't I? "Yes," I said, "Tomorrow morning actually. It starts at nine if you could make it. I know it's a little sudden and all."

"I don't have work until noon tomorrow," Lydia said, "So, I'll be there. Where is it?"

"Lyon's Hall," I told her. Was I really inviting a girl who said she's like to marry one of the Kings when I'm marrying a King? Why do I feel like I'm going to regret this? "It'll be great to see you there."

"I'll be there," she said, "Anyways, I'm on the clock right now so what would you all like to drink?"

"Why don't we get a little wine?" Mrs. King suggested, "All but Hannah. After all, it is the night before my baby boy gets married."

"I'm assuming your the mother of the groom," Lydia said, "Who's this Hannah?"

Hannah raised her hand. "I am. May I have sweet tea?" Lydia nodded and wrote that down.

"One for me too," I said, "I'm not much of a drinker. And you may want to count the two doctors out of the wine boat too."

"Yeah," Makini said, "No getting drunk for me."

"Rani," Nermala told me, "It's your wedding night. I think you can drink a little. Hannah already is the appointed driver."

If only Nermala knew the reason why I'm not drinking tonight, though I really don't drink that much. I'm really not a drinker.

I sighed. "No, my nerves are too bad for me to even try to drink."


Why did I let Bunga plan my bachelor party? I did not want a visit from the fire department on the night before my wedding. "Sorry, my bad," Bunga said as the firemen drove away, "How was I suppose to know molasses was flammable? I thought I had to be concerned about the oil lamp." Okay, so it could have been worse.

Dad sighed as he looked at the burnt tree in my and Rani's front yard. "Next time," he said, "Whoever gets married next, don't let Bunga do anything that could set something on fire."

"Trust me," Nuka said, "Not even I'm dumb enough to do that. Wait a minute, did I just call myself dumb?"

"I shall let you figure that one out," Kovu said from his place on the lawn, "Now, might someone be able to help me back in my wheelchair?"

I looked around. "Um, where is your wheelchair?" I asked. Beste, Ono, Janja, Ballyo, and Mr. King looked around for the wheelchair as well, it was nowhere to be seen.

"I swear," Bunga said, "I had nothing to do with this. For once, I am innocent and blameless. You cannot blame me!"

I sighed. This night was awful. I hope Rani's having a good time.

"Anyone see the wheelchair without Kovu in it recently?" Nuka asked, "If so, where was it? Nobody. Come on, I can't pick him up and carry him anymore. He's gained a lot of weight since he was a teenager."

"I'm going to be here for a while, aren't I?" Kovu asked.

"Don't think that way," Janja said, "We'll find your wheelchair. How hard can it be?"

"While we're at it," Dad added, "We should find Kopa. Anyone see him?" I looked around again. Wow, fire, lost wheelchair, and now a lost brother. Tonight is an all time low, isn't it?

I certainly hope tomorrow goes better.

(Author's Note: It doesn't! It gets worse! I'M EVIL!!!!!!!! Also, I'm going to camp tomorrow. Circle C Rancher for life! I'll be working there for a little over two weeks and I won't be able to update while there. But I will double update tomorrow morning and double update when I get back. I promise. Enjoy)

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