The Picture Starts To Form.

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Binga took some time to rest while I stood guard. "No one talk to me," I told everyone as I stood by the cave entrance, "I'm easily distracted and I'm holding a gun. Those don't mix well, and there's this whole thing with Scar as well."

Actually, most of them are falling asleep. Thankfully, I can be my crazy self for a full day before I burn out. I don't know how, I think it's the sugar. Now that I'm an adult, I can buy my own sugar! Take that everyone in town who wouldn't give me candy!

There I go getting distracted again. What is wrong with me?

That may also be the sugar.

The night was quiet, calm, a perfect night. Why is it that the nights are always calm when something big is happening? Why couldn't tonight at least be overcast? I have a moon staring down at me. At least it's not a full moon, what is it this time? Half? Crescent? That in between moon phase?

Don't get distracted Bunga!

I turned the gun's safety on. I'm the kinda guy who needs it. Second mission, which I'm not at liberty to say where or what I was doing on, left the safety off and nearly killed a prince. That also almost got me court martial. I would not have done well in prison, thankfully I strapped bombs to my body and captured an enemy base all by myself.

Did I sound like a little kid tattling for a gold star?

Don't get distracted! I swear, that's going to get me killed.

"Uncle Bunga," I looked down. Asher was still awake and he looked up at me with his big brown eyes. I may or may not have a soft spot for kids, it's even worse when it's my friend's kid. "Where's my mommy?"

I knelt down. I could get distracted by him for a little bit. What could hurt? Besides, I can't get blamed for this if something does go wrong. "She's safe with everyone else at the wedding Ash," I told him, "Janja isn't going to let anything happen to her. She's surrounded by our best spies and she's completely safe. I have no doubt that she is waiting for you to be returned to her. I'll have you in her arms again by dinnertime, okay?"

Asher put on a little smile. He's so young for all of this. But his blood doomed him for this. Scar would have found him sooner or later and it's best he found him under our protection. He is heir to the King family business. "Go back to your dad," I told him, "I got this. Go back to your dad, go to sleep, and dream about life with a spy in your family."

"Three spies," Asher said, "You and Aunt Binga too."

Aunt Binga? Let's hope Binga didn't hear that.

Asher walked back to Kion's side and lay down. I turned back to the cave entrance. My trained eyes caught something. I aimed the gun.

The Lion King In The Human World Part 3Where stories live. Discover now