A Piece Of Cake.

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I looked across the table at my beautiful wife. Kiara and I were on our honeymoon and the only word I can use to describe my feelings this past week is blalala. Kiara met my eyes. "What are you looking at?" she asked.

"My wife," I told her, "A woman whom the Roman goddess of love and beauty would fall jealous to, if such a person existed. The gods and goddesses worshiped in Ancient Rome are merely creations of a simpler man's way to explain such things that were out of his control."

Kiara blinked at me. "Sorry," she said, "It just sunk in what being married to the world's smartest man meant." She shook her head. "Can't believe it took this long to sink in." Neither can I.

The waitress whom works in this restaurant came up to our table. "Hola and welcome travelers," she said, "What can I get you two to drink?" Then she really looked at me. "Are you Kovu King?" she asked.

I sighed, here comes my least favorite part of being me. "Yes," I said truthfully, "I am whom you have assumed I am. Please do not 'freak out' as the saying goes. I have already had more than my so called 'fill' of such stuff. I understand that my intellect is unusually high, but such does not imply that I wish to cause women to scream in my ear."

"Long story short," Kiara said, "Don't make a big deal about him being him and we'll each take one of your tropical fruity mix smoothies. Hi, I'm his wife."

The waitress rolled her eyes. "Good luck with this one Nina," she said, "Marriage to him is not going to be a piece of cake." Great, now I desire cake.

I looked up at the stars when we got back to our little, according to the statures of the wealthy population of the world, cottage Kiara and I were spending our honeymoon in. I knew that Kiara actually liked my correcting her and didn't mind learning new things. I also knew that I was not, as Nuka would say, as much of a rolling dictionary as I used to be. My sentences don't have to be translated so much anymore, but translation is still helpful for those unaccustomed to my speech. And yet, my insecure side is working over time to wear away at my nerve and persuade me to possess self doubt regarding my union to my beloved for reasons I have yet to grasp. Simply put, I'm worrying about my marriage and I don't know why.

I heard footsteps come out besides me. Kiara planted herself firmly in my lap. "Looking at the stars?" she asked, "You probably know all their names, how far they are, and if they have planets or not."

"Not all of them," I told her, "It is impossible to know all the stars because there are millions of billions in our small galaxy alone. That is not counting the stars in other galaxies beyond ours, we have yet to even grasp an hypothesis of how many galaxies there could be."

Kiara let out a laugh. "I'm sure a couple hundred years in the future," she said, "People will look back on our time and think how primitive we were, not having an hypothesis how many galaxies there are. Well, maybe not you. You'll go down in history as the first person to have an I.Q. of 300+. They'll probably think you were ahead of your time."

I had to chuckled. "Maybe we shall always seem primitive to those who come after us," I said, "Like those who came before us seemed to be primitive to us."

"Maybe you shouldn't have teased those Romans then?" Kiara asked as a joke. "Come on Kovu," Kiara said, getting off my lap, "It's cold and I'm tired. We go back home tomorrow afternoon." Yes, back home to where I shall have a pile of cases waiting to be read over and back to secretly working with the police to catch the man who adopted me. 

As the world's smartest man, there is no room for normal in my life.

Once inside, Kiara poured herself a cup of tea. "Kiara," I said, "Are you expecting marriage to be easy?"

Kiara shook her head. She didn't expect our marriage to be easy. "It's like my parents told us before we got married and the pastor at pre-marriage counseling. A good marriage isn't a piece of cake. Mommy and Daddy had to and still have to work hard for a happy marriage. I'm expecting our marriage to have rough spots, ups and downs, and be a big piece of work, but I'm ready for it. How about you?"

I had completely forgot the Kings' and Pastor Brown's talks with us. Both sessions told us that marriage wasn't easy. How could a waitress have convinced me otherwise? I smiled at my wife. "I am fully expecting to face many hardships and trials in our life-long union. I shall be by your side the whole way." 

Kiara smiled at me. "Glad to hear that."

The Lion King In The Human World Part 3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin