Kion Got Run Over By A Ford Ranger.

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I felt my world cave. Kion was sick? When did this happen? What does he have? Please don't let it be cancer.

"I was born with something called spinalosis," Kion said, "My parents didn't even know until the nerves in my legs were shot."

I had heard of spinalosis, Nermala treated a few cases of that over the years. I also read about it in Dear Taka, of course. "But that can be fixed, right?" I asked hopefully. No one likes to have a sick boyfriend, sure I still like him, but if we have to break up I'd feel awful leaving him. "With this surgery. It's not like your family couldn't afford it."

Kion smiled at me, but it didn't look like he was happy while smiling at me. "Rani, the spinalosis progressed much faster with me than it normally does, so I couldn't get rid of it with all the money in the world and the best doctors. I'm stuck with it for the rest of my life." I'd really feel bad if we ever had to break up. "But it's okay Rani," Kion said, "Spinalosis is not going to kill me, I can live a normal life with it, and all I have to do is take a pill every morning, with making sure I don't stand for too long."

I just casually put my hand on Kion's leg, There was something strange under his jeans, something metal and hot. Kion quickly stood up. "I'll go get you another fork," he said, picking up my fallen fork, "I'll be right back." And with that, he left.

What was under his jeans?



I don't know if Rani had felt my bands, but I'm not sure I'm okay with showing her. I just don't know about showing her. It's strange. I just hope she does fine this Christmas, with the storm, finding out I'm rich, and almost all about my sickness, this has got to be hard for her.

Rani came down just in time for dinner. Mom had made chicken and rice with her own little twist, she was a great cook. Kopa, Kiara, Kovu, Vatani, Nuka, Timon, and Pumbaa helped set the table, Dad and I kept the dogs away from the food.

"Down Cirrus," Dad said to a white spotted Great Dane, "Down, bad boy."

"Sit Tiger," I said to the Dalmatian Mom got for some reason, "Sit. Good boy."

"How come you get the good ones?" Dad asked as he tried to keep Cirrus from eating his collar. I could only shrug.

"Need help?" Rani asked. All the dogs jumped up on the person they didn't know. Rani fell under the weight of six big dogs.

Once Rani was freed from the dog pile, Dad, Kopa, and I shut the dogs outside where they could run in the snow all they want. Then all the people went to the table. "This looks amazing Mom," Kiara said.

"How do you do this with two toddlers?" Vatani asked.

Mom chuckled. "I had a little help," she glanced at Dad, then at Kopa, and finally me.

Rani sat next to me and we started eating. Then someone pounded at our door. "Anyone expecting a visitor?" Timon asked, "Kovu, do not use some fancy word on me okay?"

Kovu looked up at him. "I was not attempting to 'use some fancy word,' to borrow your own words."

"What did I just say?" Timon said.

"I'm confused," Kovu added.

Dad got up. "Come on Fina," he said, taking one of my little sisters from her chair, "You're coming with Daddy."

"She Fina, I Sara," Sara said.

"Sorry Sara," Dad said, "At least you know who's who." Dad took Sara to the door. You can see the front door from the dining room Dad opened the door just to get a face-full of whipped cream.

Two teenage boys laughed. "Merry Christmas neighbor!" one of them shouted. They ran off laughing.

Dad closed the door and walked back, Sara ate a handful of whipped cream that she took off his face. "Those are the McIsser boys," he said, "Their family moved into that nice house down the road a few months ago. After dinner, I'm going to talk to their dad again."

"Did you know you had new neighbors?" Rani whispered to me. I just shook my head.



Rani and I walked through the cold New York winter. Dad had sent me to talk to the McIssers and Rani came with me for company. 

"Are you sure you should be walking this far?" Rani asked.

I glanced sideways at her. This past summer, we had hiked much father than just down the road a bit. "Rani," I said, "I'm fine, a little cold, but I can manage to get to the McIsser's place and back without issue."

"Are you sure?" Rani asked.

"Rani," I said, ignoring her question, "Is there a reason you're so worried about me?"

Rani bit her lower lip, she was nervous, she bit her lip a lot during the whole lawsuit against the former governor thing. "Come on," I said, "You can tell me. You certainly can trust me."

Rani sighed. "I just don't want you to get hurt."

I sighed this time. "Rani, I'm fine. My sickness is nothing to worry about, I mean, I might give it to my kids when I have them, but that shouldn't worry you. At least I think it shouldn't. Should it? I feel like I've just been talking to Kovu."

Then I heard the screech of tires. A Ford Ranger was out of control behind us on the icy road. "That truck's going to spin out!" I said. I pulled Rani to the side, but we both slipped on the ice in our hurry. The truck came closer, heading right for us. I helped Rani up, the truck didn't look like it was gonna stop, so I pushed Rani out of the way. 

I felt something hit my back hard, my bands snapped, and the world went black.


KION GOT RUN OVER BY A FORD RANGER!(Anyone get the joke?) The driver stopped the truck after Kion went sliding across the icy road. His head was bleeding, staining the snow, he was unconscious. 

"Kion!" I shouted, slipping and sliding to his side. The truck took off, but not before I got the plate number. I took out my phone. "Hello 911," I said, "My boyfriend just got hit by a car!"

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