Stuck On Wheels.

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Kion was taken to the hospital and, due to his sickness, had to have a surgery. The driver of that dumb Ford was one of the McIsser boys who wanted to scare us, but couldn't stop. Mr. King had a few things to say to them and their father. Anyway, this Dr. Rafiki finally cleared Kion for visitors after giving him a few days to recover. Hopefully, he'll be out of here by Christmas Eve.

"This brings back memories," Mrs. King said, "Not good memories, but memories. Well, there's some good memories mixed in."

I looked down at my card. That's the perfect thing you want to give to the guy who pushed you out of the way of an idiot's truck, a get-well-soon card with a big tree on it. What was I thinking?

"Girls," Mr. King said as his twin toddlers climbed up his back and on his head, "Please don't. Daddy has to see where he's going or else you'll be visiting Kion and Daddy today."

Kiara chuckled at my side. "That was me when I was little," she whispered to me, "Though Kion didn't do that."

"Nuka," Kovu King said to his brother who pushed his wheelchair, "I believe you have passed our second cousin's room." The younger Mr. King backed up and we entered Kion's room.

Two young women were already there, a Latina woman and a blond who I know as Fuli, Kion's ex. I didn't know why they were there.

The Latina woman spoke in Spanish to Kion. "Anga," Kion said, "I don't speak Spanish."

"Your family's here," this Anga translated. Kion looked over to us, a brace clung to his stomach. "Do you know the Black girl?" Anga asked.

"This is Rani," Kion said, "My new girlfriend." Fuli tensed up at that, but she relaxed soon afterwards. "Rani, this is Anga and I know you've met Fuli before."

"The teen club," I asked, "Back when I spent the whole night by Lydia's side as she sobbed away."

Fuli nodded. "Has she changed?" she asked. 

"No clue," I said, "I go to school with Kion so I haven't seen her recently." I did not say that I also moved to Maine. "Nice to see you again, though the circumstances could have been better."

Then little Sara and Fina ran up to their brother's bedside, a certain Mr. King was glad to get them literally off his back. Kion reached down and picked one up, don't know which one, and then the other, still no clue who's who. "Hi," Kion said, "Did you miss me?"

"What dat?" the twin with a bow in her hair, that's how I'm telling them apart now, asked, pointing at the brace.

"Hugs!" the twin without a bow shouted as she hugged her brother. So cute! "Dat hugs you," she said. Still cute! The bow twin got in on the hug too, so much cuteness!

"It's not hugging me," Kion said, "This thing is like a big band-aid. It's covering my boo-boo." They're like not even two, how else could you explain this to not even two year olds?

Mrs. King came over. "How you doing honey?" she asked.

"I cannot feel my legs," Kion said, "And according to the doctor, I'll need a wheelchair." Oh no.


I brought Kion into his apartment. He had to be cleared to fly all the way here and missed about two weeks of classes because of that. But he's here now, he'll start catching up and I'll take care of him now that he's in a wheelchair.

"Welcome home Kion," I said, "I guess. Is this your home?"

Kion shrugged and looked over his shoulder and up at me. "For now at least," he said, "I'm going back to New York to help my dad with the company after collage. Just wanted to get away a little bit."

"Are you s. . . Wait, what company?" I asked.

"My dad's company," Kion said, "You know, the business that made my family trillionaires. King Industries. Ring a bell?"

Trillionaire? Kion is so loaded, Lydia would be jealous. Then I realize something. "Your dad runs King Industries?" I asked, "I went there on a field trip one time. I met your dad before!"

"Cool," Kion said, "Most people focus on the trillionaire part. Glad you got used to my family's financial state." I'm not, but I'm not correcting a guy in a wheelchair. "I got it from here Rani." Kion said, trying to roll away from me.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

Kion looked up at me again. "I'm more independent than I look Rani," he said, "Besides, I'm not going anywhere far until tomorrow morning." I let go to his wheelchair handles and let him go. 

Kion really was more independent than I thought. He handled himself in the bathroom and got himself in bed. It's strange being so much bigger than him though, but I'm managing.

"Rani," Kion said, "You know I'm not going to be in this wheelchair forever, right? I'll be up on my feet soon, I promise Rani."

I felt Kion's arm wrap around me. He was warm as he pulled me closer. I snuggled close to him, then I remembered his accident and the wheelchair by the bed. I felt guilty for putting him in there, even though he would get out of it.

The Lion King In The Human World Part 3Where stories live. Discover now