The Safe House.

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My mind is racing. Uncle Taka and Aunt Zira are back in my life, Kion's best friend is a spy, I'm getting six new grandchildren, and I have no idea where Dad is or where we are going. And on top of everything, my back still hurts.

Nala lay her head on my shoulder. "When I married you," she said, "I knew I was getting into something. You were the nephew of America's most wanted man, and yet I still married you. Now it's supposed to be our youngest son's wedding day and we're in a van with the spy best man and six unborn grandchildren. I just wanted to live happily with my Simba, this is insane."

"I'm sorry Nala," I told her, "I'm sorry this is how you feel. But it's all over now. Spies are involved and they will take care of my uncle once and for all. We'll have a normal life soon, well, normal for trillionaires."


I stared at Rani. She was carrying my baby. I know I'm a dad and all, but Jasiri never got to tell me she was pregnant so this is my first time with a woman carrying my child. "Rani," I said to her, "How far along are you?"

"About a month and a half," she answered, "I just found out myself. I have no idea of gender or how many there are. Given your family history," she paused to roll her eyes, "Triplets, two sets of twins, and quintuplets, we may have more than one. But there's hope, Asher came into this world alone."

I chuckled. "Sorry about the fertility thing," he said, "I'm as much a victim as you are, I'm a twin."

"Hey!" Kiara shouted from her seat.

"Sorry," I told her, "Love ya sis." I turned back to Rani. I took her hands and smiled. "No matter what," I told her, "Boy, girl, multiples of either or both, I'll be right here with you the whole time. Let's have a family."


"Kiara," Kovu said, "I have one question. Why did you feel the need to keep such news from me? Surely, it is best to prepare for five infants as soon as possible. Considerate attention should have been given to my lack of mobility in the area of my legs. Simply put, I can't walk and I'm having five kids soon."

I chuckled. "I didn't want to overshadow Kion and Rani on their wedding. Surely, the woman having many babies would take at least some of the attention. Kion and Rani kept their engagement a secret until after our wedding for us, it's only fair that I do the same thing for them. Plus, don't take this the wrong way, but you are terrible at keeping secrets. I don't even know how you handled keeping our dating secret for so long."

Kovu blushed. "Yes," he said, "I must admit, my skills at keeping secrets are as bad as my IQ is high. However, such should be disregarded when my own flesh and blood come into play."

"Alright," I told him, "Next time, I'll tell you the moment I find out. Though, there may not be a next time after five at once. That may be enough for us."


I felt guilty as I listened to everyone think this is over. Binga glanced over at me, making sure I didn't break. I was involved in this case, emotionally involved. Only the best of the best are even considered for a case where they could potentially be emotionally involved, the guys on top knew I would be emotionally involved and they still put me here.

It's not over, no one besides Binga and I know it. The safe house isn't safe at all, it's a trap and the Kings are the bait. We could send the criminal underworld crashing down in flames today, if this all goes well.

We're all human, there's things we miss and things we don't see coming. Two pregnant women were never part of the plan, neither was Kovu's wheelchair breaking, or Simba hurting his back. That's right Simba, I can see you in the rear-view mirror. I can see you're in pain.

Binga let out a low whistle. Code. The whistle meant 'are you okay?' I hummed. 'Yeah.' Then I drummed my fingers on the dashboard in Morse code coded backwards. 'Almost done. Then you and me in Paris.'

'New mission?' Binga asked, also drumming in backwards Morse code.

'No,' I told her, 'I'm banging you in Paris.'

'You jerk' Binga tapped, 'You didn't even ask.'

'Could I?'

'I'll think about it.'

'That means yes.'

'No it don't.'

"We're here," Binga said out loud. I sighed. Kion better not kill me for what I'm about to put them though. Actually, Fuli and Anga might be the ones to kill me, and Binga will kill me if I break.

Well, I do love danger.

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