The Unwanted Guests Arrive.

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Today's the day! The day when my revenge is complete and Zira and I retire. Today, everything will go as planned and it will be the best day of my life.

You know, not counting my wedding and the birth of any of my children. Not counting those, it will be the best day of my life.

"Dear," Zira whispered, "Our outside guards aren't responding."

I shrugged. "It's probably nothing. Murder, Wild, Joker, Sea Witch, and Bruno don't tend to answer right away. That's why we put them on the outside. We most likely won't have to use them at all."

"I'd still like to know they're in position," Zira said, "It's one of the most important days of a boss's life and I don't want anything to go wrong today."

I sighed. "How long ago did you send the message?" I asked.

"An hour ago," Zira sneered. I gulped. That was unlike the five of them, five or ten minutes late is their normal, but an hour? Even they're not that bad. "See," Zira told me, "I have reason to worry. What if the line was cut? What if they find out our plan?"

I had to roll my eyes at that. "Zira," I told her, "We've run over this plan again and again with a fine tooth comb. There's no loopholes. Everything is planned out perfectly. No one can stop us today, or any day. I'm Scar, leader of the criminal underworld, remember. It will never be discovered. Besides, the only way someone could cut the line is if they were to, I don't know, climb the walls. It is on the ceiling. Who in their right mind would be on the ceiling? Who could be on the ceiling?"

Zira sighed. "If this goes south, I'm slapping you."

"When this goes perfectly according to plan," I told her, "I'm playing with you my love."

Then the sound of talking above grew quiet. Music started playing. I had to smile. My great nephew was getting married. Time to interrupt the ceremony.

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