Three Days Until The Wedding.

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My adoptive parents are going to attack in three days. I have worked with my partner, a man I have never met and yet I find reason to trust him, and we have a plan. Should all go well, the world shall be rid of public enemy number one and number two.

Should all go well.

"And you're sure your men can handle this?" I asked my partner over the phone, "This is putting my family and myself in the way of great harm. My father will kill half of us in a heartbeat, there's a reason he's public enemy number one remember?"

"Of course my men can handle this," my partner said, "They're trained for this. They are literal C.I.A. agents. The best of the best. Don't worry brain boy."

I despise the name brain boy.

I sighed. "My wife shall be part of this group, she is a bridesmaid. Along with my sister, my brother is a groomsman, as is one of my brothers-in-law. And lastly, my other brother-in-law. . ."

"Is the groom," my partner said, "I got invited to this shindig too dude. I know who's in which parties and the like. Just trust me brain boy."

"It is hard to trust a man whom I doubt knows my name," I told him.

"Kovu Lucas Walker King," my partner said, "Born to Jack Allen and Joann Ruth Walker, abandoned for his sickness, adopted by Taka Peter and Zira Elizabeth King, super genius, brother of Nuka Nickolas King and Vatani Grace King, husband of Kiara Mary King, brother-in-law of both Kopa Mufasa King and Kion Samuel King also Sarabi Daisy and Sarafina Rose, uncle to Asher Charles King Outsid, adopted uncle to Amahle King, son-in-law of Simba Grant and Nala Lily King. Need I go on, because I can go on. I haven't even gotten to your college professors yet."

I was speechless. "How do you know so much about me?" I asked, "None outside the family know about Kion and Rani adopting Amahle. And few know that Asher has chosen to go by two last names. How do you know such things?"

"My best spy," my partner said, "He's been keeping an eye on things for a long time. He's a genius just like you and he has a way of keeping up to date on things like this. Also, he's our back up. The plan doesn't work, he takes care of it with his stink."

"Stink?" I asked.

"Stink bomb," my partner said, "His own creation. One whiff and you're knocked out cold. Is that good enough for America's Smartest Kid?"

I sighed. "I must admit, I underestimated you," I said, "That has never happened before."

"That's the thing," my partner said, "You're never the best, sooner or later, somebody will come along and be better at what you do than you are. Like how you outsmart your father, I'm a few steps ahead of you and my spy's a whole staircase up."

"Is it fair that you know so much about me," I said, "When I don't even know your name?"

"Classified," my partner said, "Hey, all part of working for the government."

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