Everything Falls Apart And Jasiri Breaks Janja's Nose.

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I pretended to regain consciousness about half an hour later. A few minutes after that, I was dragged out in handcuffs and a sock was shoved in my mouth. Whose sock is this?

I was cuffed to a pipe or something. Real original Scar. I've lost count of how many times I was handcuffed to a pipe.

Scar stood before me, a taunting smile on his face, and removed the sock. "Well, well, well," he said, "If it isn't Bravest, one of the more recent thorns in my side. Not so brave now are you?"

I blew a raspberry at him. "What is wrong with you?" Scar asked.

"No one knows," I told him, "Physiologists have failed me, but that's what makes me a great spy. So, how does it feel to know that your own son plotted against you and your wife? And yes, Kovu was involved! He has been spying on you for, actually I don't know how long he's been spying on you for, but he's been spying on you!"

To be honest, I love it when the bad guys turn a bright red like their heads are about to burst into flames. They never do burst into flames, disappointing. Just once I'd like to watch one of my enemies burn. That sounds dark, but cool all at the same time.

Oh, shoot, he was talking. Eh, I don't have to do anything but wait.

Wait, they have a tracking device on a computer across from me. "By now," Scar said, "you know that my oldest great nephew's girlfriend was one of us. But I'll bet that you don't know that he's wearing a watch given to him by his girlfriend."

Oh no!

I struggled in the handcuffs. "You're not getting away with this!" I shouted, "Good always wins."

Scar only laughed at me. "You say that," he said, "And yet, you're the one who's going to lose. Not only is the watch a tracking device, but it's also a com-link. I'm going to send them a message. If they don't come for you within 24 hours, you die."

I glared at Scar. "I'd die sooner than let Kion and the rest of them fall into your hands Scar," I told him. And that was true. I would die if it meant Kion and all of my friends would be safe from him.


Bunga's tracking device was shut down shortly after I dropped Jasiri off at the RV. I could not lose this battle, I can not lose Bunga! He's one of my best spies, where else can I find a man who will strap explosives to their bodies and charge into an enemy base? He took the whole thing single-handedly(Actually, that's something someone actually did. Milunka Savic, the world's most decorated female soldier. Look her up. She's awesome!) Men like that are hard to find.

Plus, now I can't raid the base, which means Scar won't be stopped for a while now, and that means Asher's in danger.

"No one tell my girlfriend about this," I told my men.

"No one tell me what?" I whipped around. Of course Jasiri's here! Why wouldn't she be here? Women! "Janja, what's going on? Is Asher alright?"

I gulped. "What's wrong Janja?" she asked.

The guy I'll have court martial for spilling secrets to a civilian whispered to her what was going on. Jasiri had the gun I left her in her hands, probably so someone could teach her how to use it. The gun connected to my nose in mid air.

Gotta admit, my girl has aim.


I feel something. Something going to happen. Something is happening. But what?

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