The Edges Fill In.

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We stopped for cover in a cave. I feel like a refugee, and this is my country. I always knew about the whole crime history of this family, but it always seemed like a story to me. Now, it's real and it interrupted my wedding and put my should be wife already, two born children, and unborn child or children in danger. Plus, Bunga's a spy.

It's going to take me a while to get over that one.

Asher sat on my lap and snuggled into my arms. "Daddy?" he asked, "The bad guys aren't going to come here, right?"

I sighed. I couldn't lie to him. "I don't know," I told him, "But even if they do, Binga's going to protect us. She's not going to let anything happen to us. You don't have to worry about it Asher. Just close your eyes and try to sleep."

Asher looked towards Rani, who was taking out Amahle's hair. "But what about my little brother?" he asked.

"We don't know if it's a little brother yet," I told him, trying to get his mind off the criminals who could come at any moment and may kill us all, "But I guess I know which one you want the baby to be."

"I want girl," Amahle said.

Rani sighed. "One of you is going to be disappointed if it's one baby. But given somebody's family history when it comes to babies,"

"I can't control that," I interrupted.

"It may be more than one," Rani went on, "But you both are still going to love this little one, no matter what. Maybe we'll take the baby to Africa Amahle, so he or she or they can meet our family there."

Amahle nodded happily. "And we can buy the rest of the land," she said, "My sisters will see our family's land restored."

"Sisters?" Rani asked. I chuckled. Sorry my family's history is hurting you, but Asher's an only child, for now, ish. How does it work in a family like mine?

Binga stood at the entrance, she raised her gun up. "Um," Vatani said, "Binga, I hope you're hunting dinner."

"Unless you're cannibals," Binga said, "Sorry to disappoint." I covered Asher's eyes and ears in my suit jacket, this suit is ruined, what can it hurt. I squeezed my eyes shut as I waited for Binga to fire.

Then a bird call sounded. Binga responded with a whistle. "Put the gun down!" Bunga's voice shouted.


I opened my eyes and ran out to meet him. The rest of my friends had the same idea. "You blockhead!" Fuli shouted at him, while hugging him at the same time, "Do you have any idea what you put us through?"

"I outta slap you," Anga told him.

"Me too," Ono said, "Though I won't. Anga will hit harder than me anyway."

"I can't breath," Bunga hissed. We all let him go and Bunga turned to Binga. "Nice job finding the tracking device," he said, "Scar got mine. I met up with the boss at the original hiding spot and gave him cords. We're back on track for the plan, just I'm not helping with the raid. I got sent over here because in situations like this, you need help."

Binga scoffed. "I can handle this just fine," she said.

Bunga crossed his arms. "Venice," he said, "Venice Italy, two years ago, similar situation, and what did you do? You shot me!"

"You were wearing armor!" Binga told him, "So I shot at you!"

"Still," Bunga said, "Gun, bullet, me."

"Should we be concerned for your safety?" Makini asked.

Bunga laughed at that. "Come on guys," he said, "Let's get in under cover. Tonight, the criminal underworld goes down, then I go to Paris."

"Where else have you been?" Beste asked.

Bunga shrugged. "It'll take me a while to remember. I have been doing this a while."

The Lion King In The Human World Part 3Where stories live. Discover now