Safe For Now.

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The safe house was a large cottage. Apparently, it's where Bunga lives when he's not on a mission. I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that he's a spy, but my pills have helped a lot.

Rani, Amahle, Asher, and I were all put in one guest room. I put Amahle and Asher to bed before going out to try to get more details about how Bunga's a spy.

Clearly, I wasn't the only one to have that idea. The rest of my friends were there.

"You broke more things in town than the rest of our town combined," Anga said, "And you're a spy? How are you a spy? There's a million other people who I think would make better spies than you."

"You couldn't even keep Beste's surprise party a secret," Ono added, "I imagine that spying means keeping a lot of secrets. How do you handle that part?"

"Also, who gave you a gun?!" Fuli screamed.

Bunga looked up from polishing the gun in his lap. He sighed. "So," he said, "Are you guys done yet? Because if I'm going to explain, I don't want to be interrupted."

I walked up. "Let's let Bunga explain himself," I said.

Bunga set the gun aside. "I was recruited right outta high school," he said, "Literally right out. As in I graduated, came home, and there's a government agent in my living room. They keep track of everyone to see who would make a good agent. Most are cut out of the running by the time they're five, like all of you guys. I wasn't. They knew that I was smart, brave, and had everything they were looking for in a spy." He turned to Ono. "I bet you didn't know that I hold an IQ of 178, did you?" he asked, "Because I do."

"But you got D's in school," Ono said.

Bunga rolled his eyes. "School, where everyone is treated the same way no matter how different they really are. Sure, we should be treated equally, but it can hurt when we're treated the same in different situations. I was smart, much smarter than the other kids around me, and since we were being taught at the same pace, it was too slow for me. I got board, I got antsy, I got restless, I got D's and detention a lot. And everyone thought I was dumb, because no one really asked themselves why I was like that."

No one talked for a moment after that. "Sorry Li' B," Beste said, "We never really thought about it that way. We should have stuck up for you."

"Yeah," Fuli said, "Sorry."

Ono, Anga, and Makini also apologized, I did too. Bunga just waved me off. "You weren't in school with us," he said, "You were home-schooled. You have an excuse. Besides, it worked out for me. Here I am, a highly paid spy with a nice house, work until I retire at 30, and a pretty girl of my own."

A shoe flew through the air and hit Bunga on the back of the head. "Ow," he said.

"That's for talking when you should be watching," Binga shouted down from the second story, her rainbow hair had vanished and was replaced by black curls, "Less talkin' and more workin' Bravest."

Bunga stood up. "Got it," he said, "You guys should head for bed. No doubt this has been some day for you all. I'll head for bed when Binga takes over for the second watch. Good night."

"Has she always had black hair?" Makini asked.

Bunga shrugged. "She plays around with wigs a lot. I don't even know what her real hair color is and I've been working with her for a year."

"That doesn't sound like working!" Binga screamed.

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