Parent Hunting.

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I don't know what to expect when Dad came down and said that not only was Scar after Kovu, but Kovu was adopted. I'm thinking that the last part is actually good news, we're not related after all and that's no problem for us being together. But Kovu clearly saw it differently.

He came down the lift and rolled outside in the snow. Nuka and Vatani chased after him. I also followed, but I had the brains to grab a coat.

"Kovu," Vatani said to the turned away Kovu, "I know it's surprising, but didn't you at least suspect it? I mean, with your I.Q. and all. . ."

Kovu whipped around in his wheel chair. Tears were rolling down his face and he was clearly angry. "No!" he shouted, "I didn't suspect. There was no reason to suspect. Father and I look so much alike, I never would have thought that I was adopted." Then he started yelling in Latin or maybe Greek, he knew both and I don't know the difference. 

"Kovu," Vatani said, "It's not that bad."

"You understood him?" Nuka asked.

"He yells in Greek when he's angry and I've learned Greek for 'the universe hates me,'" Vatani said, "As I was saying, Kovu, I know it seems like the universe hates you, but a few good things happened because of your adoption."

"Name one example of such a good thing," Kovu asked, with finger quotes on the word good.

I stepped forward. "We met," I said, "Would that have happened if you weren't adopted by my daddy's uncle, who's evil but still." Kovu sighed, but didn't say anything. I knelt down so we were eye to eye. "It's not that big of a deal. Nuka and Vatani are clearly more like your family than who ever your birth parents are. Now can we go back inside where it's warm and our family's waiting for us?"


I went back inside for Kiara's sake, but once home, I dug into the hospital records and made a shocking discovery. My birth parents were Jack and Joann Walker, the same couple who had adopted me for my brain when I was seven. My biological parents had adopted me.

It doesn't seem like something that would happen in real life, but no one was really sure a human being could reach 300 I. Q. points, and here I am. I didn't really know what to do from this point on.

I looked over to where Kiara sat by the fireplace, setting out the necessary items to construct s'mores. I looked back at the screen which displayed my birth records. I shut my computer and rolled over to my girl's side. Kiara smiled at me with her wonderful bright smile and shining brown eyes. Nuka came in and fell asleep on the couch and Vatani, who was visiting for Christmas, came to join Kiara and I in roasting the roots of the marshmallow plant. This was my family, my Uncle Mufasa said so.

Was I really using a crazy dream about someone I didn't even know to figure out where I belonged? I was. Don't debate me on that, I will make you cry. I have made people cry with my intellect. 

The Lion King In The Human World Part 3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon