A Chance Meeting Part 2.

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(Sorry I'm late. Busy morning. The first chance meeting was when Mufasa met his dad. That should give you a hint as to what's about to happen, but to who?)


Janja was in my college, but I beat him in every challenge. I get higher grades than he does, I made the football team and he didn't, I got the girl we both like. I'm not even trying to be better than him, it's just happening.

My new girlfriend, Evie, took out her bubble gum pack. She was diabetic and needed sugar, chewing gum was an easy way for her to get that sugar. She chewed up a stick and blew a bubble. "So," she said after the bubble went back inside her mouth, "What are we doing tonight?"

I slipped my arm over her shoulders. "I'm taking you to meet my parents," I said.

Evie had been blowing another bubble, the bubble popped splattering over her face. "Your parents?" she asked, "Kinda nerve-wrecking. Why didn't you tell me sooner? I have to get ready."

"Evie," I said, "Relax. My parents are chill, they'll care more about your personally than your clothes." I knew instantly that she was talking about clothes when she said she had to get ready. "I should warn you though, my mom's pregnant with twins."

"Wait," Evie said, "Your mom's pregnant? How old is she?"

"She's young enough to still have kids," I said, "I came along when she was a year younger than us so my parents can still have kids. Also, how do you feel about dogs?"

"I'm more of a cat person," Evie said, "But dogs are cute too. Why? Do your parents have a dog?"

"A few actually," I said, "We're all big Great Dane lovers."

Evie froze in her tracks. "Great Danes? Aren't they a little big?"

I chuckled. "Of course they are," I said, "But they're like big babies. Some of them are afraid of their own shadows."

KATIE(she's back!)

After my second husband went broke, I got a job as a college's guidance counselor. Some kid named Janja has been coming to my office almost every day since classes started and was driving me crazy, but I had credit card dept so I sucked it up. He keeps on complaining about some class mate who keeps on besting him. I haven't even meet this Kopa, but I hate him.

"I swear," Janja said one time, "I'll get Kopa one of these days. His dumb old dad, Simba King the second generation 'Business King,' even got my dad kicked out of the mayor's office."

Simba King? As in Simba? As in Nala's husband? The adopted father of my kid?! Was Kopa my child? Did I even have a son way back then? I never learned. I had so wanted to get rid of my baby, but now I wish I'd kept it. My second husband would have been less likely to divorce me if I had a kid. 

"That's all the time I've got," I said to Janja even though he had half an hour left to complain about his life, "I've got an appointment of my own to go to. Same time tomorrow?" Janja sighed and nodded.

Once Janja was out of my office, I pulled up the student records. Kopa looks so much like Connor, he has to be my kid. I have a son! His parents names are Nala and Simba's as well so that proves it. His birthday was the same day I gave birth, I think, and he's the right age. I looked up the room number and went to visit my son.


A knock sounded at my door. "It's open," I said, thinking my room mate lost his key again. The door creaked open. "You've got to get a key chain dude," I turned my chair around to see a woman Mom's age standing in the door way. "Sorry," I said, "I thought you were my room mate. Are you looking for someone?" The woman didn't answer. "Ma'ma, can you hear me?"

The woman nodded. "I can," she said, "I haven't seen you in years."

I grabbed my phone in case I had to call the police. "What are you talking about?" I asked, "I don't know you."

"I'm your mother," the woman said. 

I knew who she was instantly. Mom had told me my birth mother's name. "Katie Mormon?" I asked. The woman nodded. I sighed and put my phone down, but not too far away. "What are you doing here? Why are you showing up in my life now? You know what, just leave. I don't need you, I already have a perfect mom." I turned back to my book. Katie Morman grabbed my chair and pulled me away from my desk.

"Nala is not your mom," Katie Morman told me, "I am. I gave birth to you."

I stood up from the chair and started to push my birth mother out the door. "She's the one who raised me, fed me, changed my diapers, was there for my first day of school, walked me through my dyslexia problems, home schooled me and my siblings, helped me write my book, cared for me when I was sick or hurt, cried when I left for college, and who gave me all her love my whole life. While you wanted me gone before I was even born and went off to find a husband when you at last got rid of me and dumped me on my real mother. I have a mom and she's not you. So just get out of my life!" I slammed the door in my birth mother's face and locked it. I didn't need her in my life any more than I needed my birth dad.

Wait, didn't my birth dad have another wife and kid? What happened to them?


I want my son! I gave him life and he should be grateful to me. But no, he just casts me out like I'm nothing. I'm gonna find Nala and make her pay. I had a plan to do with Simba in high school, now I'll play it out.


I drove up to my parents' house with Evie by my side. Evie doesn't know my folks are loaded, but it shouldn't matter. "Whoa!" Evie said, leaning forward so to get the most of the house that she could, "Is that your home? It's huge!"

"Yup," I said, "My siblings and I all grew up here. Not counting the two on the way. We're all who we are today because of our loving family." I parked the car and got out. "Come on. My folks will love you."

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