Father's Day(Just Because)

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I woke up to flowers in my face. "Happy Father's Day Daddy!" Sara said. I know it's her because Fina didn't hit her head tripping over a shoe and got a goose egg on her forehead. "We got you pretty flowers."

I sat up. Sara handed me the flowers and Fina showed me the card they made. "Thank you so much you two," I said, "I love having such wonderful daughters." I silently thought that I would prefer it be easier to tell them apart. Sara's not going to have that goose egg forever. "Where's Mommy?"

"Making breakfast," Fina told me, "She's making pancakes." Yummy.

I carried my littlest children down the stairs, thankful that I can still do that to someone. Nala stood at the stove, flipping pancakes over. She turned to me. "Happy Father's Day Simba," she said, leaving the pancakes. She kissed my cheek.

"Eww!" Fina said.

"Aw," Sara cooed. They were getting to behave a little different recently. Maybe it will be easier to tell them apart soon. Father's Day miracle!

"How's the other father in our family?" Nala asked, "And I don't mean Kion, the other other father."

I set the twins down. "I'll be right back girls," I told them, "I have to get Grandpa real quick. He needs breakfast too."

"We have a card for him too," Sara said, "Where did it go?"

"Fluffy!" Fina shouted, "Fluffy's got Grandpa's card! Bad Fluffy!" The guilty Great Dane puppy froze at Fina's shout, then dashed into the backyard. "Come back Fluffy!" Fina ran after the puppy, Sara not far behind. Nala ran after the twins. I turned the heat off under the pancakes and then went up to get Dad.

Dad was awake when I walked in. He had a book in his hands, I knew from the cover that the book he was reading was his life's story. Dear Taka. Hopefully, his dementia and memory lost will help him to forget that this was his life. I have no idea what would happen if he got it in his head that Taka still needed surgery and I don't want to find out. "Good morning Dad," I said.

Dad turned to me. "Simba," he said, right for once, "This book is fascinating." So he doesn't remember this was his life. I don't have to worry about him trying to save up money for a surgery that happened years ago.

"Dad," I told him, "Today's a special day. It's Father's Day, a day all about fathers."

Dad smiled at me. "Is it really?" he asked, "Good for all the fathers."

I had to laugh. "Dad, you're my father. Today's about you too. Sara and Fina made you a card, but Fluffy got a hold of it."

"Who's Fluffy?" Dad asked.

"One of the dogs," I told him, "Come on, let's get you in your wheelchair and get you downstairs for breakfast."

Once the card had been caught and thrown away because it was too chewed on, Sara and Fina got to work on making a new one, Dad was helping them by letting them use his lap as a table, Nala tried figuring out how the pancakes hadn't burned, and I made coffee.

"How did this turn off?" Nala asked.


"Kion," Rani told me, "Wake up."

I forced my eyes opened. "Why did you wake me up?" I asked, yawning. Normally, Rani would let me wake up on my own.

Rani wrapped her arms around me in a hug. "Happy Father's Day Kion," she said. It was Father's Day? "Your first Father's Day being a dad and knowing about it."

I chuckled. "That is something to celebrate," I said, "Did you get me a card or something?"

Rani shook her head. "I got you something much better. California is in a different time zone, Asher won't be up for a while now. Amahle took one of my sleeping pills last night so she'll sleep for at least another hour. Do you see where I'm going with this or do I need to drop a few more hints?"

I held Rani close to me. "I get it Rani," I said, "You want a little love. No more hints needed."

KOPA(Not technically a father, but taking care of his sister could sorta count, maybe)

I woke up to Hannah making breakfast. "What are you doing?" I asked.

Hannah turned to me. "It's Father's Day!" she said, "I don't have a father anymore, so I'm making you breakfast today."

"I'm not your dad," I told her, "I'm your half brother Hannah. Today isn't Half Brother Day, that doesn't exist."

"Like I said," Hannah told me, "I don't have a father anymore, and you've been taking care of me. You're the closest thing I have to a father now. As far as I'm concerned, today is about you too. Do you want breakfast or not?"

I had to laugh. Hannah went from selling drugs to making me breakfast on Father's Day. I wasn't even her father, partly sure I could count for the dad role in her life. I came into her life rather late, but I'm here now.

Plus, she made waffles.

(Honestly, today is two years since my grandfather passed. Because of Covid, my dad and all us grand kids weren't allowed to see him, even when he took a turn for the worse. My cousins last saw him seven years before he died. Covid sucks. Remember the dads and grandads in your life! Rest In Peace Grandad)

(Oh, wait. Taka/Scar isn't in here yet.)


I hate Father's Day. It was never much fun growing up because I didn't have a father and it's not much fun now because my children hate me. There were a few fun years between Mufasa's death and my discovery where Father's Day was a day where I'd find gifts from my children, but then you know.

I want to go back in time and kill Simba myself.

(There we go!)

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