Christmas At The King's With A Queen Thrown In.

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"Ready Rani?" Kion called. I zipped my suitcase closed. Kion and I were going on the same flight to New York, I would transfer to another plane to head to Maine while he would stay in New York. I could not find a flight right to Maine before Christmas.

"Coming," I said, dragging my bag out to join him. The year plus with Kion has been wonderful, even though the spicy dreams have stayed dreams. Kion was so kind and thoughtful that I didn't go back to my dorm. The quarantine ended long ago and we spent a summer down here on our own. I'll be happy to spend Christmas with my family, Ballyo, Grandmother, Nermala, Surak, and Tray, Surak and Nermala's baby.

That was what she had to tell him that day he was hit in the head by the un-named lousy bank robber. Tray's adorable, Papa's spitting image.

Kion opened the door for me both in the apartment and the door to the outside, the elevator opened at the press of a button, which he pressed.


Kion's family was waiting for him at the terminal. His little sisters were so cute. "Mom, Dad!" Kion said, giving his parents big hugs.

"Welcome home Kion," Mr. King said, the similarity between him and Kion had grown. I walked up to them because I didn't know what else to do. Mr. King saw me. "Kion, were you bringing a friend? And if so, why wasn't I told?"

Kion turned around to find me there. "Oh, I didn't bring her, I think." I helped him out.

"I'm heading up to Maine," I said, "I'm Rani, my brother and I took two of your puppies."

"I knew I saw you before," Kiara King said.

"Ki-ki," one of Kion's little sisters said. I have no clue which one was which and honestly, I don't even remember their names.

Kion took her from her stroller and held her in his arms. "Hi Sara," he said, "I'm home." Sara reached out and grabbed his nose. So cute. "Anyway," Kion said, cradling little Sara in his arms, "Rani couldn't find a flight right to Maine, so she's getting on another flight soon."

"I should find that plane now," I said, "Merry Christmas Kion." I tickled little Sara's chin just to hear her sweet little giggle before walking off to find my plane.

"Attention all passengers heading to Maine, Massachusetts, New Hamsure, and Northern New York," That was me. "Due to a winter storm, all flights to these parts are canceled. You may get a refund at the front desk."

I slapped my hand to my forehead. Just great. I finally get to go home and this happens. What was I going to do now?

"Well," Kion's older brother whose name I didn't remember said, "That sucks."

Mrs. King put her hand on my shoulder. "You can stay with us dear," she said, "We'll be glad to have you spend Christmas with us. Do you have all your bags?" I nodded, I only had the one. "Come on. Let's go to the car."

The car was a limo. "Dad," Kion said, "The limo, really?"

Mr. King gestured to his whole family, me included. "Do you not see how many people have to fit in Kion? Also, Kovu and Vatani are with us and you know how Kovu needs a special seat."

"How do you have a limo?" I asked, "Aren't those expensive?"

The King family all looked at me as if I said something stupid. "What?" I asked, "Isn't that a normal question?"

"Kion," Kiara whispered to her brother, loud enough for me to hear her, "Does she know?"

Kion shrugged. "I thought she knew, but now I realize I never really told her. But she came to our house."

"I'm impressed you kept it from her for so long," Mr. King said, "Tell her now, also give me Sara so I put her in the baby seat."

Kion handed off his sister and turned to me. "Rani," he said, "My family's kinda rich."

"What?" I asked.

"We're rich," Kion said again, "Filthy rich. In fact here," he handed me a piece of paper from his pocket. On it was a big number.

"Who's phone number is this?" I asked, it could only be a phone number with that many digits.

"Rani," Kion said, "That's my savings account number," As in a bank account? "In that account is seven million dollars."

I dropped the paper. "What do your folks do for a living?" I shouted in shock. I thought that was a phone number!

"My dad runs a place called King Industries," Kion said, "I didn't think to tell you. Sorry." And Lydia wanted a rich boy our whole childhood.

At the King mansion, Mrs. King showed me to a guest room close to Kion's room. The guest room had a privet bath and a closet. I sank into the bed. Kion was rich this whole time and I never knew it. Looking back on it now, I see how he always had money. He carried large bills like fifties and he had a hundred dollar bill once around and he said he had been a lot of places. Who could tour Europe and Africa and Asia and South America if they weren't rich? I didn't even see it.

A soft knock came from the door. "Rani?" Kion's voice said, "Can I come in?"

I sat up. "I guess," I answered. What else didn't I know about Kion? Is he sick or something?

Kion came in with a slice of cake. "My cousin Vatani made cake," he said, "I brought you a piece. You hungry?"

I took the cake, it's cake. "Kion," I said, "Now that I know you're rich, it's so obvious to me that you were."

Kion sat down next to me. "In someways, I don't make people think I'm rich. I can do laundry and I didn't grow up with maids. A friend of mine who's also rich doesn't even know what a broom is."

I looked down at the cake. "Why didn't I see that you were rich?" I asked. I felt Kion's arm go around me. His hand lifted my face up so I looked at him. He smiled.

"Rani," he sighed, "I grew up knowing that money doesn't matter, if you're rich, you're rich, if you're poor, you're poor. Besides, your mom's a doctor. Your family must have more money than average."

"Aunt," I corrected, "Nermala's my aunt. My mom died in a car crash when I was little, along with my dad."

"I'm so sorry Rani," Kion said, "I didn't know. I guess I should have known that sooner."

I lay my head on Kion's shoulder. "It's okay," I said, "We know everything about each other now, right?" Kion was silent. "You still have a secret, don't you?" I asked.

"Yeah," Kion said, "But I'm not sure about telling you that one."

I took a bite of my cake and quickly swallowed. "It can't be that bad Kion, it's not like you're sick or anything."

"Rani," Kion said, "I am sick." I dropped the fork on the carpet.

The Lion King In The Human World Part 3Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora