The Trouble Returns.

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It was just after midnight that the thing I've been waiting for happened. However, it didn't happen where I could see it. I could hear it though. I could hear Kopa King screaming for help. Binga is going to shoot me for letting Scar's helper get past me.

I grabbed the gun and raced to Kopa King's room. The occupants were Kopa, his half sister, and his girlfriend, also, clearly Scar's helper. I kicked the door down and gasped. Scar's helper was Kopa's girlfriend.

On the bright side, Binga won't shoot me. On the bad side, this.

Evie held a knife to Kopa's throat. Hannah stared wide-eyed, terrified for her brother. "Sorry dear," Evie hissed, drawing blood with her knife, "It's just business. You know all about that, don't you?"

"Kopa?" Mrs. King asked.

"Everything's under control," I shouted down the hallway, mid-leap onto Evie, "Just stay in your rooms. I got her right where I want her." And I did. I had Evie pinned to the ground and the knife out of her reach. I also had her cursing and swearing, but that's to be expected. If I had a nickle for every time I was cursed at, I'd be richer than the Kings. Partly because Evie's giving me about three thousand dollars a minute.

"Bunga!" Binga screamed, running in, "Where are they? Let me at 'em! Let me at 'em! Aw man, you already got 'em. Wait, isn't that the girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend and trader," I said, "You take her down to the basement, I'm gonna go yell at the boss for not knowing about this."

"Evie," Kopa sighed, pressing tissues against his bleeding neck.

Binga, trained in first aid because that's something you need in this field, took a look. "Looks like she's not a highly trained killer," she said, "She missed the biggest artery. You're lucky. If that was cut, you'd bleed to death. But she missed it, you'll feel light-headed for a while because your neck's still bleeding, but you'll live and you will move on after this betrayal. It happens all the time."

I let Binga drag Evie away. Walking out of the room, I saw that no one listened to my order to stay in their rooms. Everyone was up and out of bed. Well, made this next part easier. I sighed and got out my phone. "Boss," I said to Janja, "The den's been compromised. Our little lost lioness from earlier was Scared. Relocating to the volcano. Will update soon. Bravest out." I hung up before he could respond.

The Lion King In The Human World Part 3Where stories live. Discover now