The Last Piece.

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By sunrise, we were back in the woods outside where Kion and Rani's reception should have taken place. "Mommy!" Asher cheered, "I see Mommy!"

"Rani look!" Ballyo shouted, "I see Surak, Nermala, and Tray! They're alright. Wait until they hear about your pregnancy." Rani slapped him. "Ouch!"

"Ballyo," Simba said, "Don't even think about upsetting a pregnant woman. Don't do anything to upset them. It ends badly."

"I'll say," Binga said.

I turned to her. "How would you know about that?" I asked.

Binga eyed me. "My sister is pregnant," she said matter-of-a-factually, "I told you. I'm going to be an aunt."

"It's amazing," Kiara told her, "Trust me."

Binga stood up as the truck we were in rolled to a stop. "Alright," she said. I stood besides her. "Here's where our happy adventure ends for now. Please don't need us to protect you again. If you need us, we'll be in Paris and then the Chinese countryside."

"I think I'm going to Peru after Paris," I told her, "Anyway, Binga and I will open these doors and you all are free to go."

"Thank you Bunga," Kion said, "I still can't believe this is your life, but you're great at it."

I had to smile. "You're welcome Kion," I said, "But it's not that big of a deal. As it turns out, I'm a fifth generation spy. It's in my blood. Also, it's easy for me to forget that this is my life and it strikes me as brand new all over again."

"It's still amazing," Kion said.

I turned to Binga. She was already turning on her com. "Outlander King," she said, using Janja's code name, "Are we free to release the lions?"

"All set Better," Janja answered, using Binga's code name, "You can release the lions."

Binga and I pushed the doors of the back of the van open. Asher ran out first. "Mommy!" he cried.

Jasiri ran to him. "Asher!" she said, scooping him up in her arms, "My baby! I was so worried about you."

"So was he," Kion said, helping Rani down, "he was worried about you the whole time Jasiri. I'm surprised that his hair hasn't gone white."

"Surak," Ballyo cried, "Nermala! Rani's pregnant!"

"Ballyo!" Rani shouted at him.

Amahle rolled her eyes. "Brothers," she said.

Timon and Pumbaa knocked Simba down trying to hug him. "Don't you ever go vanishing into a sink hole under an alter ever again!" Timon cried.

"I can't breath," Simba wheezed.

I looked around. "Alright then," I said, "looks as though everything is just about wrapped up."

"Not so fast Bravest." I tensed at that voice. Scar's voice. I turned around. I'm going to knee someone's jaw when I find out who let Scar smuggle a bomb here. It's basic protocol to pat down prisoners. Spy 101 sort of thing. Scar had a twisted smile on his face. "If I'm going down," he said, "I'm taking as many of my brother's descendants as I can down with me. Isn't that your system Bravest, go down and take your foe down with you."

"Not like how you're doing it," I told him, "And I'm not letting you set that bomb."

Scar sneered at me. "Try and stop me," he dared.

Unluckily for him, I don't back down from a dare. But something strange stopped me. In all my adventures as a spy, I think this is the strangest.

The Lion King In The Human World Part 3Where stories live. Discover now