College With Your Biological Grandfather, This Should Be Good.

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I had to help Kion get into and out of the car. "Thank you Rani," he said, "I got it from here. See you at lunch." He then ran into the ledge. Kion sighed. "That's higher than I thought." 

I pushed him up onto the walk. "Call me if you need help," I told him, "Good luck with your first day back."

Kion chuckled at me. "Rani, I'll be fine. You don't have to worry so much. Our college is wheelchair assailable. I made sure of that before I applied. And we're all too mature to tease each other."

I bit my lower lip as I watched him roll himself away. I had a bad feeling about this.


Professor Smith was the first to greet me when I rolled into class. "I see you're back King," he growled. He wasn't the nicest man I'd met, but he's my professor and much older than me. "I hope you've been keeping up online because its an exam day."

I sighed. "That's everyone's worse nightmare, isn't it?" I asked, "Come back into class after a break and be faced with an exam. Don't worry professor, I got this."

My Black professor rolled his eyes at me. He eyed my wheelchair. "Surprise that you were let back in disabled. I believe it's called DIS-able for a reason." I just smiled at him. He would see, he would see.


I met Rani for lunch on the college grounds. Normally, Rani and I would find a shady tree to sit under, but it had rained that morning and I didn't want to get stuck in the mud. I was telling Rani about Professor Smith's disable statement. She froze the moment I mentioned his name.

"Rani?" I asked, "Is something wrong?"

"Do you happen to know Professor Smith's first name?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said, not understanding, "John, it says so on his door. Why?"

Rani leaned back in her seat. "Kion," she said, "My grandmother once went on a date with her professor and had my mother because of that professor. His name was John Smith."

I didn't know what to say to that. "And he didn't just help make my mother," Rani said, "He got my grandmother expelled for carrying his baby. Thankfully, my real grandfather got justice for my grandmother, but still."

"You think my professor might be your biological grandfather?" I asked. He was Black and did kinda look like Ballyo, just older with a bald head. "He does kinda remind me of your brother, just a little."

Rani snapped her pencil. I don't think she was expecting that. "I have no reason to believe that he is the same guy. I don't need to find out. Chances are that it isn't the same guy. How could someone with that reputation get another teaching job?" 

"Yeah," I said, unsure of how to respond. How do you respond to this? I got nothing. "It can't be him. Just chance."

Rani put her head in her hands. "I'm gonna find out though anyway," she said, "My OCD will not let me leave this alone." Then she aliened her fork with her knife. Why does she have a knife?


Professor Smith slammed my exam papers in front of me. A fat red zero met my eyes. "A zero!" I shouted, "How did that happen? Are you sure?"

Professor Smith smiled at me. "I'm sure. A DIS-able person couldn't score anything higher."

The way he said that made me think that something was up. "Did you even check my answers?" I asked.

Professor Smith shook his head. "I didn't have to," he answered.

I crossed my arms and looked him right in the eye. "My legs are far from my brain professor," I told him.

After that class, I went to the college superintendent with my exam. Rani was with me and stood behind me as the superintendent read over my exam. 

"This is all right," he said, "Every single question. Why would John mark this as a fail?"

"That's something I can answer," I said, "He looked me right in the eye and said that a disable person couldn't score higher."

Rani huffed behind me. "The jerk," she grumbled.

The superintendent put his head in his hands. "First we have a kidnapper among the students then a bigot among the teachers. This is not our best time." He raised his head up. "I'll call your professor in Mr. King. Give me a moment, this will all be sorted out." He turned to call someone.

I looked up to Rani. "You good?" I asked.

"Why are you asking me that?" she asked in return, "You should be asking me how I'm going to handle myself with my possible biological grandfather in the same room. At least I'll see if he really does look like Ballyo."

A few minutes later, Professor Smith came in. Rani dung her nails into my shoulder as their eyes met. "Janna, Janna Queen?" Professor Smith asked her, then he shook his head, "Can't be her. It's been way too long and no face-lift is that good."

"I'm Janna Queen's granddaughter," Rani said, "Hey. How did you get a job here?"

"You two know each other?" the superintendent asked.

"Dude," I said, "Just wait."

Rani turned to the superintendent. "This man is the professor that insisted my grandmother went out with him, got her expelled for carrying his baby, and turns out he had relationships with other girls. Why did you hire him?"

"See?" I asked, all he had to do was wait.

So professor Smith was fired, my grade was fixed, and Rani seemed relaxed a bit. Though who knows why.

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