The Bride Arrives.

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Fuli walked forward, calm and smiling. Anga followed close behind, catching quite a few eyes of the single men in the crowd. Hannah followed, prepared to sing at the reception afterwards. Makini came next, a large smile on her face, aware that there was supposed to be another bridesmaid between her and Hannah. She hoped no one would notice.

The groom and the groomsmen noticed, as did everyone at the rehearsal. They tried to hide that anything was wrong. The guests were too busy watching the beautiful ladies walk in their dresses with the flowers.

Kiara walked out. She had a slight smile on, but most of her was scared at how Kovu would react to five babies at once. Vatani followed her out, a calm smile on her face. She knew every part of the wedding plans. She knew how this day would go by heart.

Amahle came next. She was the last bridesmaid. She was the smallest, but her smile was the brightest. She would get a new mom today, and Rani would be a great mom.

Then came the two little flower girls. Well experienced at this point. They smiled in their little dresses and tossed the flowers down the path. And the then the music changed.

Kion gulped, he was getting married.

Simba and Nala glanced at each other and sighed. Their youngest boy was getting married.

Mufasa tried to keep up his act, but his grandson was getting married and he was having as much trouble keeping up the act as he did at Kiara's wedding. Even worse, he still had a bit of memory issues at Kiara's wedding.

Bunga eyed his best friend. Kion was getting married and Bunga wasn't going to let this day be ruined, even though he still had to follow orders.

Jasiri smiled as Ballyo and Asher took their places. Asher a few rows from the alter and Ballyo halfway between Asher and the door.

Then the bride entered.

Rani was dressed in white, making her dark skin look even darker. Her veil hung behind her head and her hands grasped the flowers in her hand tightly. She bit her lower lip as everyone rose, except Mufasa.

Surak came to her side. "Are you ready?" he asked, not believing his little niece was getting married.

Rani raised her eyes to the alter. She saw Kion and all worries faded into nothingness. She smiled. "Yeah," she said, "I'm ready." She glanced down at her stomach briefly, thinking of her baby.

Surak walked her down the aisle to Ballyo and handed her off to her brother. "If he hurts you," Ballyo said, "I'm finding Papa's firemen ax." Rani giggled. She knew Ballyo wouldn't really do that.

Ballyo walked her down to where Asher stood. He hesitated before handing her off to his soon to be step-nephew. But he did, and he ruffled Asher's messy hair as he did so. "Still want your mom and dad to get married?" Rani asked him.

Asher actually shook his head. "If they got married, I wouldn't have you or Janja," he said.

Asher finished walking her down the aisle to where Kion stood. Asher then sat down on the side, next to the two flower girls and waited.

"Dearly beloved," the priest said, "We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Kion King and Rani Queen in holy matrimony. Should anyone object to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace."

The floor gave way beneath the wedding parties, sending bride, groom, bridesmaids, groomsmen, flower girls, and Asher into a pit below.

"Asher!" Jasiri screamed, running up.

"Rani!" Ballyo called, running to the hole where the stage used to be, followed by Surak, Nermala, and Tray.

Simba and Nala ran up, all their children, in-laws, cousins, and their grandchildren had just fallen into an abyss. "Are you okay?!" Nala called down.

"I guess the floor objected," Bunga joked.

"He's clearly fine," Fuli grumbled, "Meanwhile, whoever has their knee in my spine, remove your knee from my spine!"

Vatani let out an ear-piercing shriek. "Why are you screaming?" Nuka asked, rubbing his ears.

Vatani pointed a trembling finger into the shadows. Two faces stared at them. Nuka let out a scream even more high pitched than his sister's.

"Why are you screaming?!" Anga shouted.

"It's our parents," Kovu said from under his wheelchair rubble, "Taka and Zira King. Scar and Phamtoma of the criminal underworld."

Kion and Rani looked at each other. They did not see this for their wedding day.

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