Asher Learns About His Inheritance.

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"Asher!" I called, "Come on Asher, I gotta go to work soon. If you're want to come with me, you got to get in the car."

Asher came down with his little backpack. "Ready," he said, "I got a bag just like you do Dad." I'm sure my briefcase and his backpack have different things inside. I decided to let it slid, I could guess what's in there. His drawing pad, a box of crayons, maybe a toy or two, also a chance he might have packed cookies. Rani did say she thought her plate of cookies she and Amahle baked for our new neighbors had more on it.

"Alright," I told him, "Come on Asher, let's go grab our lunches from the kitchen and head out to the car."

"Can I sit up front?" Asher asked.

"Sorry," I told him, "You have to be twelve to sit up front." Asher sighed.

Asher had never been to my work before. Heck, I haven't even taken him into New York City before. I don't think he even knows I'm rich, yet. He's going to know by the end of the day today. I hope that doesn't make things harder on Jasiri.

I pulled up in my usual spot in front of King Industries. "Dad," Asher said, "Do you work in that big building?"

I turned around in my seat to look at him. "Not only do I work there Asher, but I'm one of the guys who run it."

"You run it?" Asher asked.

I nodded. "Yup. Great Grandpa started this company when he was a young man. Grandpa runs it now and Uncle Kopa, Aunt Kiara, and I help him. One day, Grandpa will retire and the three of us will be in charge."

"Are you rich Dad?" Asher asked.

I got out of the car and opened the door for him. "Yes I am," I told him, "And, for the time being, you're my sole heir."

"So this would be mine if you died?" Asher asked, "I don't want that to happen."

"Me neither," I told him, "And only part of it would be yours. Uncle Kopa and Aunt Kiara would still have their parts and I'd have to leave something for Rani, but yeah, if anything were to happen to me, you'd inherent part of this."

"I don't want anything to happen to you," Asher said, "I want you around forever." I didn't have the heart to tell him that's not going to happen. He'll figure it out sooner or later.

I held out my hand to him. "Come on," I told him, "Let's go." Asher grabbed his backpack and took hold of my hand.

"Look both ways before you cross the street," Asher told me before I could step out into the parking lot.

I chuckled. "Your mom taught you that?" I asked. Asher nodded, "Good. You won't get hit by a car knowing that."

Once inside, Asher's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he looked around. "This is big," he whispered to me, "And there's a lot of people."

I smiled at him. "Don't be afraid," I told him, "No one here will hurt you, you're my son. Everyone can see that." I let go of his hand for a moment to point to my birthmark. "I gave you my mark, remember. Everyone will know who you are. If you're lost, they'll help you. If you need anything, they'll help you. And not a single person here will dare to hurt you in any way. I promise.

"Plus," I told him, "Today's a special day. Today, all the workers are bringing their children with them. You'll make a lot of friends here. King Industries is nothing to fear."

"Why is it called King Industries?" Asher asked.

"Because King is my last name," I told him, "It's technically your last name too, or should be. I don't know how this works exactly."

"My name is King?" Asher asked.

"Or Outsid like your mom," I told him, "I'm not sure. That's something to talk to your mom about later tonight. Anyway, let's go find Grandpa, Uncle Kopa, and Aunt Kiara."


Dad, Grandpa, Uncle Kopa, and Aunt Kiara had a meeting. After five minutes of sitting next to Dad, I left the room. It's boring. How does Dad stand such things?

Dad had whispered to me to play with some of the other kids while he was in the meeting, and to stop blowing raspberries. The other kids all seem to know each other. I hear things like they went to school together or their parents work in the same section or a few other things. I don't go to school here, my dad's with the people in his section, and none of the other things fit me either. I don't live on these blocks, I don't go to these play groups, and I'm not any kind of scout.

I was just drawing a picture of the statue of Great Grandpa's head when I heard someone crying. I looked over. A little girl, probably two or something like that, had tripped over a toy of a boy my age. Poor girl. but the boy who owned the toy was helping her up.

No he wasn't, he hit her for stepping on his toy! Where are the adults in this building? I walked away from my drawing and to the crying girl. Someone had to be nice to her.

I helped the girl up, she ran to her older sister. She screamed "Sissy!" to her, so it must be her sister. Then someone grabbed my arm. It was the boy who got his toy stepped on.

"Let go of me," I told him. Dad was going to own this place one day, I shouldn't be afraid of this boy. He's no bigger than me and there's no reason to be scared. If he hurts me, Dad will handle it and Aunt Kiara will make me feel better.

"She stepped on my toy," the boy said.

"You hit her," I told him, "She stepped on your toy by accident, you didn't hit her on accident. If you try to hit me, my dad will be mad."

"And who's your dad?" the boy asked.

"Kion King," I told him, "Don't you know? We have the same mark. My dad helps run this place."

The boy quickly let go of me. Why was everyone looking at me? I just went back to my drawing.


"Asher," Dad called, "Your mom's on the phone."

"Mom!" I cheered, taking the phone from him, "Hi Mom. Dad's rich."

"Guess I didn't tell you that before," Mom laughed, "I'm sorry Asher. I forgot. Did you learn anything else today?"

"Is my last name King or Outsid?" I asked.

"Um," Mom said, "I'm not sure. I guess it could be whatever you want."

"Do I have to choose?" I asked, "I love both of you and want both of your names."

"Aw," Rani said, I forgot she was in the room.

"Well, Asher," Dad said, taking the phone and putting Mom on speaker, "You actually could have both of our names."

"Yes," Mom said, "Some people have two last names. That way, you have both of our last names. You'd be Asher Charles King Outsid."

"Wait," Dad said, "His middle name is Charles?"

"After Charles Dickens," Mom told him.

"You didn't know my middle name?" I asked. Dad blushed.

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