Suspicious Behavior.

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Dick's arm was around me as we watched the fireworks his buddies set off. They were celebrating us being together for two months tonight. I hope he got permission because they were loud. "Dick," I asked, "How did you get these?" Fireworks can't be cheap.

Dick shrugged. "Here in Texas, us men know how to treat our women." They sure did. Dick treats me like a queen, which I kinda am. It's my last name after all. "You just wait til Friday Rani," Dick said, "I'm really gonna show you what it's like to be loved."

"Can't wait," I said to him. Bright pink fireworks exploded, forming a flower in the night sky. I was in love with Dick. I was right, Kion and I weren't meant to be together, but Dick and I are.


Dick took my measurements for something and wouldn't tell me what. I let him take them any way. I trusted him, he wouldn't hurt me in any way.

Kion and I had kinda patched things up and we would go to classes together. I told him of the fireworks last night and the measurements. "Why did he want your measurements?" Kion asked.

I shrugged. "He didn't say, but I trust him." Kion had a puzzling look on his face. He must be thinking hard about something. I didn't really wonder what it was. I had turned my thoughts to Friday when Dick said he'll show me what it's like to be loved. I didn't know what he meant, but I couldn't wait to find out.

"Remember when you told me about the girls who went missing?" Kion said. I nodded, sad to switch from Dick to those poor girls. "I looked into it and did you know that Dick actually dated a few of those girls."

I stopped in my tracks. "What?" I asked, "He did? How do you know that?"

Kion sighed. "I read a few of the newspaper articles about the missing girls and four of them had quotes from the girls' boyfriend Dick. I can sent you the link if you want."

"No," I said, "I'll just talk to Dick about it. I'm sure it's just a coincidence. But it's kinda crazy that he knew at least four of the girls. How many were there?"

"Four," Kion said. That was even more crazy. Dick supposedly dated all of the girls who went missing. That was kinda suspicious.

But like I said before, Dick wouldn't hurt me.

I asked Dick about the girls that evening on our date. He had planned a whole week of dates for us leading up to Friday. "Honey," Dick said, "I did date those girls, but they all went and they had to change after they come back from where ever. They thought everyone was against them. I ain't gonna date a girl like that. But don't you worry, you ain't going anywhere till Friday." So he was taking me somewhere on Friday. Cool.

Friday night

There were a few more suspicious notes Dick dropped over the week, but I still don't think he'd hurt me in any way.

I never knew I would look back on that thought and realize how stupid I was being at the time. But for right now, I didn't know that.

Dick picked me up in his truck and took me far out of the city. We were in the middle of nowhere when I spotted an old shack in his head light's beam of light. Dick parked the truck and got out. "Dick," I asked, "Where are we?"

"Your new home for the next two weeks," Dick said. Did I hear him right? "You know that I dated all the girls who went missing?" Dick asked me. I nodded, getting scared now. "I not only dated them, I made them go missing. I have this deal with a few rich guys. I leave girls in this shack and the rich guys have some fun. You're the next girl to go missing."

Dick almost opened my door, but I locked it. I locked the driver's door too. Dick had left the keys in the car and I put the petal to the metal. I also called Kion. I know it's not the best idea to talk of the phone while driving, but I almost joined those missing girls!

"Kion!" I shouted when Kion picked up, "I need help. Dick's behind those missing girls. He told me he was. I'm driving away from him but I kinda stole his truck and I didn't bring my purse. I don't know what to do. Help me!"

"Okay," Kion said, "Calm down. Get back to the city and get to your dorm, I'll meet you there. I'll call the police. Don't get pulled over."

I hung up and kept driving. I don't think Dick had his phone, but I'm not completely sure.

Sirens blared behind me. I wasn't going the speed limit, there was no red lights to run, and I'm sure they didn't see me on the phone. I pulled over. Instead of a policemen, Dick came up to the truck.

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