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"What?!" I shouted at Kion over the phone, "Kion, your ex-girlfriend had your son? Why are you just telling me now?"

"What did you just say?" Nala asked.

I had answered Kion's call to find out I had a grandson. Nala and Kiara were staring at me. "Kion, you better have a good answer for keeping this from your mother and I."

"I didn't even know until today," Kion said, "Jasiri just told me not that long ago. She kept this from me too Dad. But I don't know what to do now."

I took a few deep breaths to calm down. Why couldn't my life be normal? I'm the lost son of Mufasa King who turned out to be alive, the nephew of the world's most wanted man, and a whole handful of other things like this that isn't normal. "Kion," I told him more calmly, "I'm going to put you on speaker phone so you can explain this to your mom and Kiara and we'll all help you figure this out."

I switched to speaker phone and set my phone on the coffee table. "We're listening Kion," I said, "Start explaining."

"So, Jasiri texted me to tell me that she was pregnant when I dumped her," Kion said, "She had started talking about our future, back when we broke up, and I thought that she doubted me and dumped her when she was just trying to find out how I would react to being a dad. So, fast forward to today, she texts me to tell me I have a son."

"Wow," Nala said, "And you didn't know about this?"

"No, I didn't," Kion said, "You're going to yell at me aren't you?"

I sighed. "If we found this out when you were sixteen," I told him, "Yes, we would have. But you're not sixteen anymore. You're an adult and even though this happened when you were sixteen, it's your responsibility to handle this. Yelling won't fix anything."

"I think if I got pregnant, you would yell regardless," Kiara said.

"Only if it's not Kovu's," Mom told her, "You're getting married soon so we'll expect kids sooner than later."

"Back to the issue at hand," Kion said from the phone, "Any ideas what I do now? I'm torn between Jasiri and our son and Rani. I need help."

Nala and I looked at each other. "It's up to you Kion," Nala said, turning back to the phone, "We'll support whatever decision you make. How's Rani handling this?"

"I wish I knew," Kion said, "She ran out the second she learned about my son. Is this really all up to me?"

"Yes Kion," I said, "It is. You're a man now, 21 and a father apparently. Your mother and I can't make these kind of choices for you anymore."

Kion sighed. "I've got a big choice to make."

"It'll be fine Kion," Nala said, "Just follow your heart and if you need to talk, we're here."

Kiara blew a raspberry. "I still can't believe you did that Kion," she said, "Also, I want to meet my nephew. No debate."

Kion hung up. We sat silent in the living room for a few minutes as the news sunk in fully. "So," Nala said, "We're grandparents."

"We are," I sighed, "Any plans on how to spoil him?"

"One or two," Nala said.

Kiara looked from me to Nala and back again. "You guys sound like you've been planning how to treat your grandchildren for a while now," she said.

"I've been planning since I heard about your engagement," Nala said. Kiara turned back to her wedding plans.



Mom, Dad, and Kiara were no help. Neither were my friends. Fuli, Anga, and Ono were speechless, Beste was happy for me, Makini was overly happy, and Bunga, well, he was Bunga. I still didn't know where Rani was, so that left me with only one option.

I called Jasiri.

"Hi Kion," Jasiri said, "I knew you would call or text or something."

"A son?" I asked her, "I had a son and you didn't tell me? Why didn't you say something as I was breaking up with you? Wait, does he have my illness?"

"Thankfully no," Jasiri said, "But he does have your birthmark. Right on his eye. He's five years old and loves animals, especially cats. He's obsessed with cats."

"Why didn't you ever try to reach out to me before?" I asked, "I would have helped you. I'm sorry I broke up with you during that time."

I heard Jasiri sigh. "I'm over it," she said, "I would have kept him from you for longer, but he's been asking about his dad and there's this dad day thing at his kinder-garden and he needs color-blind glasses."

"Color-blind glasses?" I asked.

"He's color-blind too," Jasiri said, "I'm just not sure how much longer I can handle this on my own. I need help."

I sighed. "Jasiri," I said, having heard what my heart wanted, "I'm in another relationship, so I can't get back together with you. I really like this girl and it's going really well."

"Like I want to get back together," Jasiri said, "Our relationship wouldn't have lasted, I see that now. All I'm asking is for a little help raising Asher."

"Asher?" I said, "That's his name?"

"Do you like it?" Jasiri asked.

I let out a chuckle. "Asher's a great name for him," I said, "And, I'll help you Jasiri. I'll also see if I can get out to that dad's day thing. Shared custody?"

"Shared custody," Jasiri said, "Could Asher spend some time with you and your family? Have you told them about him yet?"

"Yes," I said, "And they want to meet him. Also, I'm now in Texas."

"Texas?" Jasiri asked, "I told Asher you were in New York."

"I'm going back to New York when I finish college," I told her, "I'd love to spend time with Asher. When do you think we can trade him off?"



I came back to the apartment, expecting to be told that Kion was getting back together with his old girlfriend for their son's sake and get kicked out for telling him to dump her. But that's not what happened. 

"Rani," Kion said, a bouquet of roses in his hand, "Welcome home. Look, about the whole thing with Jasiri and my son."

"You're breaking up with me, aren't you?" I asked.

"What?" Kion said, "No, never. My relationship with Jasiri wouldn't have lasted. I was going to say that I'm now sharing custody of my son with Jasiri and heading out to California to be there for Asher's dad's day."

"Dad's day?" I asked, "Asher? You're not dumping me?"

"I'll answer those questions in order of importance," Kion said, handing me the roses, "Rani, I love you. I really do. You are amazing, just amazing, and perfect for me. Sure, Jasiri gave me a son, but even she said that our relationship wouldn't have lasted. I'm not dumping you and I never will. Also, Asher's my son' name and his kinder-garden is having a dad's day where all the dads come to class."

I smelled the roses. "Kion," I said, "Is Asher coming here soon?"

Kion shook his head. "Graduation's soon," he told me, "I'm heading back up to New York where I'll find us a new place."

"Us?" I asked.

"Look very carefully at the roses," Kion told me. I looked down and gasped. A small blue box lay among the stems. I looked up into Kion's eyes. He nodded to the box. I slowly reached in to pull it out. 

Setting the roses aside, I opened the box. This was not happening. "Kion," I hissed, shocked and overwhelmed, "You are not doing this."

Kion took the box from me and smiled.

I'm SO SO SO evil for making you guys wait, aren't I?😈

The Lion King In The Human World Part 3Where stories live. Discover now