Upendi (Is that how it's spelled?)

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Kiara has been living with Nuka and I for a few months now and I still haven't figured out how to tell her of my feelings I've had for six years as of this May. Every year, my love becomes more beautiful in my eyes and ever more sweet. My emotions don't cease growing despite my head reminding me that there is a high chance she believes in not marrying your relative. If only she would realize that throughout the years of mankind, we have lost track of whom married whom and many people who get married do in fact share a small portion of DNA already. It is a fact, humans used to have to marry their relatives to avoid dying out and we should be thankful to them for that.

That's what I'll say if she thinks it's weird. I hope she will not though. My feelings for her have grown so strong, they have won the match against my head. I have started to think of marriage instead of simply dating.

I could plan out what to say to her if she thinks it's weird as much as I desire, alas it is all pointless unless I could somehow tell her of my love. Perhaps I should simply forget about Kiara and move on. I doubt I could though, the cons far outweigh the pros of that choice. 

I picked up my guitar. Playing it always helped me to destressed and it's naturally good for homo sapiens to relax.

I started to strum the tune I'd been formulating in my head, it had all that was required for a song, all but the words.

The words. That is how I can tell Kiara my feelings, I could write her a song. If she doesn't feel the same, I could always say it was for another, but I desire her mutual feelings with every ounce of my heart, all ten of them assuming my heart is the average size for a man.

The song was wrote before I truly came to my senses. I could not do such a thing. The cons shall outweigh the pros on this as well. I put the sheet into the trash can and rolled out of my room to get some air to clear my head.


It was garbage day and since Nuka's at work and Kovu can't really help much with his wheelchair, that left gathering the trash up to me. I had it almost all finished, just have to get Kovu's bedroom can and I'm done.

I put on gloves. He had taken up playing with chemicals and my finger was already stained purple for who knows how long so I'm being careful.

I entered Kovu's room. Shelves with books stacked in neat little rows and diplomas lined the walls. Kovu's closet had clothes, a spare wheel chair, and even more books. His desk was covered with more books and on his bed, you guessed it, an open book. I don't know how he can read so much, and some of these books are in different languages too.

I took the bag out of his can and saw my name  on a piece of paper. I reached in and took the paper out. It was a song called Upendi and the part where I saw my name read, "How to tell Kiara of my love for her." Kovu loved me?

Weren't we related? Is that why he threw this song out? I mean, he has to know that we can't ever happen, inbreeding is a bad thing and I want kids. People were born disfigured because their parents were related. I couldn't love him.

There was a note at the bottom. "No law against marrying your cousin because the share of. . ." Yeah, it was a long note and most of the words I could already tell I won't understand. But was that true? There's no law against marrying your cousin?

I looked it up, there isn't. Cousin don't really share that much DNA, only 12 point something, as compared to the 50% shared by siblings. And inbreeding only happens if it's repeated after years and years of family marrying each other. So Kovu and I could happen.

I have to admit, he's kinda cute. He's so smart but doesn't rub it in other people's noses. A little kid once recognized him on Halloween and Kovu went up with him to the next house to Trick-or-Treat with him. Adorable, even though Kovu ruined Trick-or-Treating for me soon after. Why do we let our kids do something that used to destroy property? (That's where the trick came from)

But could this happen? Could I love him too? 

I think I do love him.

I took the trash out then grabbed Kovu's song and went out to find him.

Nuka has been doing great in Daddy's company. We all live in a nice house with a Koi pond out back where I found Kovu taking samples of the algae. He's lucky he's the only person in the world who could get away with playing with that goop. "Kovu," I said. Kovu turned his head around and saw the paper in my hand.

Kovu instantly ducked his head down. He put his head in his hands and won't talk to me. So I stopped talking.

"Let me take you to Upendi," I sang his song to me instead, "Where the passion fruit grows sweet. And it's so divine that you'll lose your mind. As it sweeps you off your feet. In Upendi, without a worry or a care. It just takes two to make it through. My love will take you there."

Kovu peeked through his fingers at me. "I never knew you liked me," I said.

"Well," Kovu said, bringing his hands down, "It seems as though the one signal subject I could not comprehend has to be the field of human emotions." That's a fancy way to say he didn't have the nerve to tell me before.

"I don't think anyone fully understands how our emotions work," I said to make him feel better, "I just debated with myself about whether I feel the same way."

Kovu stared right at me. "And have you come a conclusion?" he asked. I nodded. "What is it?" I kissed him. That speaks much louder than anything I could say.

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