Second Set Of Twins Start School.

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I remember selling all of our home schooling books and stuff because I thought that Simba and I were empty nesters. Along come Sara and Fina and we have no workbooks for when they start school. The joke was on me.

I paged through the home school catalog, trying to remember what I used for Kion and Kiara. That seemed so long ago, and yet just like it was yesterday that they made a mess out of shaving foam in the bathroom. Being a mom is tricky like that.

I felt a tug at my sleeve. Sara, I know because she's the only one I put in a tutu, held up a drawing for me. "Did you do this?" I asked, "How beautiful honey. Look at the cute little bunny rabbit."

"The bunny's in the backyard," Sara told me, "Fina's playing with him." I don't think I should let my daughter play with a wide rabbit unsupervised. Maybe not at all, but it's still a bunny.

I went out back. So, Fina's not unsupervised, Timon and Pumbaa are here. They have still yet to move out, but they pay rent on time, mostly. Pumbaa held the rabbit while Timon talked to Fina. "This is the right front paw," he said, "And this is the left front paw. There's the back right paw and the back left paw. There's the cotton ball tail and the little bunny bits. Those are used for. . ." I interrupted them before Timon could finish telling Fina what bunny bits are used for.

"Okay," I said, "Let's let Mr. bunny go home to his family. I'm sure his little baby bunnies miss him." Why did I say baby bunnies?

Fina waved goodbye to the rabbit and Pumbaa let it go. It hopped quickly away into the woods. "Say hi to the babies," Fina called after it.

"Fina," I told my daughter, "There's Popsicles in the freezer for snack time." Fina ran inside. I turned to Timon and Pumbaa. "Bunny bits?" I asked, "What bunny bits are used for? I know they're growing up fast, but not that fast. They don't need to know about the birds and the bees just yet. They are five!"

"You said to teach them!" Timon told me.

"Um, Timon," Pumbaa said, "I don't think she meant that."

I sighed. "If you ever want to teach my children anything, talk to me or Simba first. Remember that before you open your mouth to my girls." I made sure to make eye contact with both of them. "That goes for both of you."

That night, I told Simba what happened. "Oi," Simba sighed, "Those two. What are we going to do with them?"

I shrugged. "I thought it would nice for Timon and Pumbaa to help out with homeschooling the twins," I said, "Our second pair of twins that is. Then they pull this out of their magic hat of stupid and I'm having second thoughts about that."

Simba lay down on the bed. "I'm gonna have to have a talk with them," he said, "How could they think it's okay for them to teach a five-year old that? Their minds are missing in action apparently."

I sighed. "Homeschooling this set of twins is going to be interesting, isn't it?"

Simba nodded. "Nothing at all like our first set of twins. But then again, I'm pretty sure it's not normal to have two sets of twins."

I lay down next to him. "We're just lucky we can many children," I said, "Five wonderful little ones, plus a grand-kid and many more grand-kids to come. I'm going to start bugging Kiara as soon as she gets back from her honeymoon."

Simba laughed. "First kids," he said, "Now grand-kids. It sounds like you Nala."

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