Five Days Until The Wedding.

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Family dinner! All of us Kings, plus Asher, Jasiri, and Janja, and the Queens all at one table. Awkward. It's just awkward.

Things are kinda tense between this weird family. Kopa and Janja were avoiding each other, Janja was looking daggers at Dad, Asher and Tray keep giggling over something even though they're not next to each other, and there was something about Asher thinking the Queens hated him. And then there's Grandpa who seems to not be able to take a hint due to his 33 year long sleep.

"So who are you again?" he asked Ballyo for the tenth time. Grandpa's forgetfulness was also adding to the awkwardness of tonight.

"I'm Ballyo," Ballyo said, respectful as always. I like how the Queens have no gotten frustrated with Grandpa, unlike that karen at the work party.

Amahle, not completely sure whether she should be counted as part of the Queens or not, spoke in her native language. She speaks Swahili when she doesn't want anyone other than Rani to understand her.

"Amahle," Rani said, "You shouldn't say that. It's not very nice."

"What did she say?" Vatani asked.

Rani eyed Amahle. "I'm going to chose to keep my mouth shut," she said, "You're lucky no one else can understand you. Wait, Kion, did you understand her?"

Kion shrugged. "I heard a few words, but she spoke pretty fast. Something about Mom's cooking."

"She doesn't like my cooking?" Mom asked.

"I'm still going to keep my mouth shut," Rani said.

Asher and Tray started up their laughter again. I sighed and looked to Kovu for something to do besides eat. He has that face on again. I sighed. "Kovu, do you know Swahili?" I asked.

"I have been studying it in my spare time," Kovu confessed, "And I admit that my knowledge of the language has not reached the point of total comprehension, although I believe I am close."

"Skip to the point," I told him.

"I understood her perfectly," Kovu said.

"Does everyone learn languages easier than me?" Kion complained.

"What did she say?" Nuka asked.

Kovu cast a glance to Rani. "I shall side with my adoptive second cousin's future wife and keep my oral cavity sealed," he said.

"Huh?" Asher asked.

"He's shutting up," Janja translated.

"That's a blunt way of putting it," Kopa said.

Janja turned to him. "He's not even eight yet, blunt is best. It's what my parents did for me."

"The corrupt mayor?" Kopa asked. Janja shot him a look that could kill, if looks could kill. Jasiri, who sat between the two of them, forced the both of them to look away by pushing their faces.

"So," I said, "Moving on, what do you two do for a living?" I turned to Mr. and Mrs. Queen.

"Well," Mr. Queen said, "I'm a police officer and Nermala's a doctor."

"Very nice," Mom said, "I'm glad you both could come for the wedding. Rani's parents are coming soon right?"

"Mom!" Kion said. The Queens all looked uncomfortable. "Mom, Rani and Ballyo's parents died when Rani was little."

"Oh," Mom said, her cheeks blushing bright red in embarrassment, "I'm so sorry. I didn't know. This is embarrassing."

Dad patted Mom's shoulder and put on a clearly fake smile for her. That just added to the awkwardness of everything in this room.

"Mommy," Sara said. She pointed to the Queens. "Are they our family now?"

Mom looked to the Queens. "Do you mind being family?" she asked.

"No," Mrs. Queen said, "Not at all. I mean, only family could go through something as awkward as this." Oh, so this dinner made us all one big weird family. I still want this to be over.

"So yes Sara," Mom told my little sister, "They're family."

Sara got down from her chair and climbed onto Ballyo's lap. "Okay?" Ballyo said, "What is she doing?"

Dad shrugged. "She does what she wants. No one can control her. Not even I can unless I have candy."



A few of my friends from the underworld are working Kion and Rani's wedding and they managed to smuggle us in. Of course, five days before the wedding isn't the best time to sneak in. But it's the only day they could get us in. Workers are going to be there late for the next four days, so this is our best chance.

We won't be caught. We're underneath the stage for the ceremony. One pull of a lever, bride, groom, wedding party, and priest all come falling into our trap. Then the parents of the bride and groom will come and we'll push them into the trap as well. It just takes four more days for my first plot as leader of the underworld to be complete.

It's sad that it took this long when you really think about it.

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