The Trouble Arrives.

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My evil great aunt and uncle were staring down at us. I gulped, this was not how I expected my wedding day to go. Who plans for an attack by evil relatives? If anyone has planned for that, please tell me what to do next. I'm freaking out!!!!!

Two more people fell on us from above. Mom and Dad groaned. "My back," Dad grumbled.

"Who cares about your back Simba!" Mom shouted, "Do you not see your evil uncle and wicked aunt right over there?! Kids, get behind me now!"

I'm just glad Mom's handling this. I think my anxiety is creeping up. I didn't think to put my pills in my suit. I got Rani and I untangled from the pile, grabbed Sara's hand, or Fina's, and ran behind my mother. I know I'm a grown man, but we're trapped under a church with two murderers. You'd have to be insane not to be scared.

"Hey!" Bunga shouted, "You're not gonna get away with whatever it is you're planning."

Point made. BUNGA!!!! YOU IDIOT!!!

Great Uncle Taka, or Scar as I always knew him, drew out two guns from his side. He smiled. I pushed Rani behind me like I did during that court case when we were teenagers, I know we're not husband and wife yet, but he's not getting my almost wife. "I don't think you understand, young man. We've been planning this day for years. Today is the day the very last trace of my brother's blood is whipped off the face of the earth. If I have to kill you to get to them, I will."

Great Aunt Zira, Phamtoma, grinned as she slung a heavy machine gun over her shoulder. How can someone her age lift that? Not the time, it's pointed right at us. "Get out of the way, my dear means business."

"Mother, Father!" Kovu shouted, still on the floor. Now'd be a great time to walk dude. "Such undertakings are preposterous. It would be witless to assume that such death of Uncle Mufasa's heirs would result in your windfall from his own account. Cest such action and turn yourselves in post-hast."

"Huh?" Bunga asked.

"Ma," Nuka translated, "Dad. You're being dumb. You're not getting rich by killing the Kings. Stop and turn yourselves in at once. Also," Nuka turned to Kovu, "Do you really think that they're going to listen to you?"

"I am the baby of the family," Kovu said, "Are not the babies of families spoiled?" I wasn't and I was the baby for a long time.

"Is somebody calling for help up there?!" Anga screamed, "Hello!"

"Mommy!" Asher called, "Mommy! Are you there?! Mommy!"

"It's going to be okay Asher," Jasiri called down, "Just a little held up at the moment." Held up as in they have guns pointed at them too? That may explain why no one's calling. "Janja! Why do you have a gun?!"

Good question. Better question, why does Bunga have a gun?

Bunga cocked his head at Scar and Phamtoma. "You think you're so smart," he said, "But in fact, it's us at the C.I.A. who are so smart. That's right, the government got involved."

"C.I.A.?!" I asked, "You're a spy?!"

"Surprise," Bunga said, "Hold your noses!"

I don't know why I'm listening to Bunga, but it's that kind of day. Bunga pulled the trigger, but a bullet didn't come out. A cloud of green gas did. Scar and Zira took one whiff of the gas and fell asleep. Bunga waved the last of the gas away. "Alright boss," he called, "All taken care of down here. I'm heading to the safe house."

"Great job," Janja called down from above, "The rest of our team has things all under control up here. Get the Kings and company to safety. Take Jasiri while you're at it."

"Oh no, you don't Janja!" Jasiri's voice yelled, "You are a spy and I never knew about it. I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on! You listen here Janja, I'm not going anywhere!"

Janja sighed. "Every spy in the biz told me that bringing a woman into this life was a bad idea, but did I listen. No!"

Bunga laughed. "Serves you right!" he called up, "Well, everyone follow me."

Bunga walked off. None of us followed. We were all in shock. Bunga came back and sighed. "Do I need to carry you all to the van? I can't even lift Beste. Come on, start walking."

"How are you a spy?!" Ono shouted.

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