The Families Of The Bride And Groom Arrive.

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Well, Kion's getting married today. After the mess of last night, I'm glad today has finally come. This last year and a half have been a little much with two of my children getting married. No future events like this as far as I can tell. Sara and Fina aren't getting married or graduating or anything like that anytime soon and Kopa is taking his sweet time with Evie. After this, I give my adult children a few months to adjust to life and then arrange my retirement.

Nala whipped the tears from her eyes as we took our seats. "I thought you told yourself you wouldn't cry," I teased.

Nala glared at me. "It's my baby boy's wedding, of course I'm going to cry. No matter what I told myself. I just can't believe he's so grown up."

I sighed. "Yeah," I said, "It seems like just yesterday that we were the ones getting married. I can still remember how Timon swerved and nearly wrecked my car and my shock at learning that he was driving without a license."

"You let him drive," Nala told me. I had to admit, that was true.

Nermala approached us with Tray at her side. "Do you mind if we sit here?" she asked.

Nala shook her head. "Not at all," she answered, "Come sit."

The two Queens took the two seats next to us, clearly saving spots for Surak and Ballyo. "Can you believe this day has come?" Nala asked, "My baby boy is getting married."

"My niece is getting married," Nermala said, "Poor Rani is so scared. Her nerves have really gotten bad. Or maybe her O.C.D. is flaring up too."

"It's normal to be nervous," Nala said, "Just like we told her. Her nerves will fade once this gets underway. It's what happened at my wedding."

"As it did at my own wedding," Nermala said. She sighed. "Maybe it's the doctor in me, but I think something else may be wrong."

"Like what?" I asked, concerned for my soon to be daughter in law.

Nermala shook her head. "Part of me thinks she's pregnant, but Rani knows better than that and surely Kion wouldn't even risk getting a girl pregnant again."

I nodded in agreement. "Kion has learned his lesson," I said, "Rani couldn't be pregnant. It has to be nerves. Nerves do have pregnancy like symptoms, don't they?"

"Rani doesn't have symptoms," Nermala said, "It's just the doctor in me jumping to conclusions and the worse case scenario. No symptoms at all."

"Even less likely that she's pregnant," Nala said, "Though I hope she will be soon. Kiara is failing in the grandchildren department."

I chuckled. "Asher's not enough for you anymore?" I asked jokingly.

"Of course he isn't," Nala said, "I still love him, but he's just one kid to give my love to. I want more kiddos to love."

"I wouldn't mind a great niece or nephew myself," Nermala said, "Just not at the moment."

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