Dealing With An Angry Half-Sister.

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Hannah went with me to the police station to answer questions about her drug dealing, though she wasn't happy about it.

"Miss," the officer said, "I need you to understand that you will only be in greater trouble if you don't answer me. We're only looking out for you, your boss, and your buyers."

Hannah still kept her mouth closed and sank further down into her chair. I sighed. "Hannah," I told her, "You have to answer them. They're policemen."

"She doesn't have to," the second officer said, "She has the right to stay silent. But she's still going to court."

That got Hannah and my attention. "Court?" Hannah asked, "Why would I go to court?"

"You were involved in illegal activity," the first officer said, "And you're sixteen, old enough to be tried as an adult in serious cases, which this is."

"She could go to jail?" I asked. Hannah looked to the officers, she was so afraid that she was shaking. The officers nodded. I turned to Hannah. She looked to me, probably hoping I'd say something that could save her. But I couldn't, I couldn't fight the law. I sighed. "I'm sorry Hannah," I told her, "That's why I flipped out. This is serious business and you're still young."

"I can't go to jail!" Hannah told me, her voice on the verge of breaking. "Please Kopa, do something!"

"Can't you just send her to juvie?" I asked, "She's a teenager."

The first officer sighed. "It's not up to us Mr. King, it's up to the jury. But even the best lawyer can't reduce the sentence that much."

Hannah put her head in her hands and sobbed quietly. I put my hand on her shoulders. "It's going to be okay," I told her, "I'll do my best to help you, but no promises."


"Is there any way I can keep her out of jail?" I asked. Kovu, my soon-to-be brother-in-law and the best lawyer in the world, sighed.

"There is one way," Kovu said, "Public service. Since she's still a minor, you could get away with it if I play my cards right. Key word being if."

I knew that it was a long shot, but I had to do something. I wasn't going to let Hannah go to jail. She's sixteen, jail would be put on her record. She'd never get into college or get a good job, unless she works at King Industries, but she's already said that she doesn't care about my adopted family's business. This could ruin her life, so I had to help her.


I handed Hannah a cup of hot tea. Kovu had done his best to lighten her sentence and he had done amazing. Hannah's got three years of community service, therapy, and she told us all we needed to know to shut down the drug ring in the school. Hannah's still grounded until she done with community service and therapy. 

"There we go," I told her, "The worse is behind us. As long as you don't do something like this again that is."

"Can I ask you something?" Hannah asked. I would love to say the whole 'you just did' joke to her, but I'm trying not to act like a dad any more than I have to.

"Sure," I told her, "What are big half brothers for if not to answer questions?"

"Why do you care?" Hannah said.

I'm confused. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Why do you care about me?" Hannah repeated. I'm going to feel sorry for her soon, aren't I? "Dad didn't care about me, he buried himself in work. You hadn't even met me and you already wanted to take me home. Why in the world do you care so much about me?"

I sighed. "Hannah, I grew up in a loving family," I told her, "My parents raised me to be kind. Our dad, on the other side of the world from my parents, only said how I shouldn't have been born. When I remembered that he had another family, I knew you couldn't have had the best family life. I knew I couldn't leave you there, you're my little sister after all, So that's why I care Hannah, because you're my sister."

"Half-sister," Hannah corrected.

I shook my head. "I say you're my sister, no half or whatever else people would call us. Just sister, okay."

Hannah put her tea down and flung her arms around me. 

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