Shocking, Isn't It?

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(Just an author's note, there will be no electric eels in this chapter. The title might suggest this, but electric eels have no part in this book at all)


I finally got around to making Grandmother's strawberry pie on my own. It took so much longer to cut the strawberries than Grandmother does, but she's been making it for much longer than I have. 

I heard Kion roll his way into the kitchen, his wheels always got caught on the little edge where the tiles met the fake wood floor. "What are you making Rani?" he asked, trying to steal a strawberry.

I took the berry away from him. "It's my grandmother's strawberry pie," I told him, "My old dorm mate fainted today from the stress of trying to be perfect and is in the hospital until her heart rate calms down. I figured this was a good time to try to make this pie, that way she can have a slice."

"That's nice of you," Kion said, "Why can't I have a strawberry?"

"Because I need the whole box," I said, "These aren't very big strawberries either. You could have a whole slice of pie when it's done baking though. It's the best right out of the oven."

"I might not be here for that," Kion said, "I have that appointment in an hour remember. I'm gonna be gone until morning."

I had forgotten about that. "I'm suppose to take you there, aren't I?" I asked, "I completely forgot about your appointment. I'm sorry Kion."

Kion chuckled at me. "It's okay Rani, and you're not my ride this time. A friend of mine is dropping me off and picking me up tomorrow. You can relax." 

"What kind of appointment is this?" I asked.

Kion just chuckled. "You'll see Rani," he said, "In the morning, you'll see."


A knock came at the door. I looked through the peep hole, there was a girl at our door. I opened it. "Hi," she said, "Is Kion here?"

Before I could say anything, Kion rolled up in his wheelchair. "Right on time," he said, This girl was taking him to the hospital? When he said friend, I thought he meant a guy friend not a girl friend. "Rani, meet Miley. Miley, this is Rani." Miley waved. 

Kion and Miley were out the door before I really got my thoughts together. Kion, my boyfriend, was going off with some girl I didn't know and wouldn't be back until morning. Does that seem suspicious to anyone else?


Once I realized that Kion could be cheating on me, I spent the greater part of the night searching for something to prove or disprove it. I found nothing and fell asleep sometime after one a.m. 

I woke up to Kion standing over me.

"I'm back," Kion said. I had still thought he was cheating on me and whacked him with a pillow. "Ow!" Kion said, "What? Did you dream I was cheating on you or something?"

I almost shouted that I knew he was seeing Miley when I realized that he was standing. On his own two legs, no wheelchair. "How are you standing up?" I gasped, too amazed to really think about the cheating thing.

Kion rolled up his jeans, some strip of tech ran down his leg. "The doctors implanted these in me last night," he said, "They're called techno-bands and these things allow me to walk by taking the pressure of my legs and simulating my nervous system. I can ditch the wheelchair Rani. So why were you hitting me?"

Tears started to fall. "I know all about you and Miley," I snapped, "How do you sleep at night?"

"Why are you crying over my aunt?" Kion asked. His aunt?

"Wait, she's your aunt?" I asked.

Kion nodded. "My mom's little sister. I just call her Miley because she's only three years older than me. Still, why are you crying over my aunt?"

I whipped away my tears, this was so embarrassing. "I thought you were cheating on me with her," I confessed, "But she's your aunt. I thought you were cheating on me with your aunt."

Kion started laughing. "Boy Rani," he said, sitting down next to me, "It's never boring with you around, is it?"

"I'm sorry," I said, "I guess I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions."

Kion put his arm around me. "Apology accepted Rani," he said, "But how could I have gotten another girl in a wheelchair? I thought that you would have left me when I was temporarily put in a wheelchair. I told you it was temporarily, right?"

I had to shake my head, or at least I started to think that. I soon realized how often Kion said he would get out of his wheelchair, I had thought he was trying to make me feel better for putting him in one. "I wouldn't have left you," I told him, "Even if I didn't love you, I kinda put you in that wheelchair."

"Is that what you think?" Kion asked, I nodded, blushing bright red. "Rani, I spent eight years in a wheelchair before I met you." That was news to me. "I was born with my sickness and didn't take my first steps until I was eight. Then I got techno-bands, much like the ones I have now. Those bands broke during the crash and I had to wait for one of the few doctors who knows how to implant them to have an open appointment. It wasn't your fault Rani, never was."

I felt my face go even brighter red. Kion rolled his eyes. "Clearly, we need more communication," he said, "Well, we both found out shocking information today. My sister's getting married and my grandfather who we thought died when my dad was five came out of a coma in New Jersey a few days ago."

"So your grandfather is still alive?" I asked. Kion nodded. "Whoa."

"So," Kion said, "Could I try your pie now? Hospital food is hospital food and you know what they say about that."

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