Two Days Until The Wedding.

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Why do twins always run away from me? I've lost Kion and Kiara more times than I can count in their childhood and now I've lost Sara and Fina. And we're in the woods behind our house! How do you lose children in your backyard? Am I just the worse dad in the world?

Okay, I might not be the worse dad in the world. Conner and Scar and a few other dads come to mind as worse than me, but still. It is hard to lose your daughters in your backyard.

"Sarabi!" I called, "Sarafina! You both come out right now young ladies or I'm gonna tell the tooth fairy how bad you've been." Hey, worked for when they flooded the bathroom. "Come on girls. We have to go to the wedding rehearsal in an hour." I checked my watch. "Okay, half an hour. All the more reason to come here now."

It was then that I realized something awful. Not only were my girls lost, but I was lost too. "Great," I sighed, "First I lost my girls, then I lose my way back. And now I'm talking to myself. How am I going crazy already? Actually, a better question might be how has it taken me this long to go crazy? I should stop talking to myself."

Then I saw something strange through the trees. An old abandoned cabin. Kinda reminds me of the old axe murderer's cabin back down in Florida. Of course, that was an urban myth. I didn't know there was a cabin on my land. It had to be on my land, I put a fence up after a pack of wolves came through our backyard one night. Terrorized Kiara. How long had this cabin been here?

I started to approach it. It seems to be one of those cabins found in the woods that are haunted in horror movies. You know, where a bunch of teens are mercilessly hunted down and slaughtered, beheaded, devoured, or disemboweled. I shouldn't be thinking about this kind of thing.

Maybe it's just an old hut. There are sugar maple trees here. My house sits on what used to be a maple syrup farm. Maybe this is just the hut they used to boil sap into syrup. All I'll find in there are older versions of what Nala and I took the kids to every year, if I find anything at all.

"Daddy!" a voice shouted. Oh right, I was looking for my daughters. Yeah, I just moved up a few spots on the worse dad list. "I pet a deer!"

I turned to Sara and Fina. Fina held up a bunch of daisies and Sara had a chipmunk in her hands. Why wasn't the chipmunk moving? Is it dead? Is Sara carrying a dead chipmunk? I'll deal with that later.

"Girls," I told them, "We have to go now. Kion and Rani are going to practice getting married and there's going to be a big dinner afterwards. Sara, please leave the chipmunk in the woods. It's his home."

"Okay Daddy," Sara set the chipmunk down and it took off towards the nearest tree. I'm glad she wasn't carrying a dead chipmunk, but how had she managed to catch a live chipmunk?


I let out a sigh of relief as Simba and his girls walked away. "That was close," I whispered to Zira, "Simba almost found our hiding spot. That brat is annoying and oblivious all at the same time."

Zira rolled her eyes. "We wouldn't have anything to worry about if you hadn't thought this was safe. I mean, only a genius would think of setting up a prison so close to our targets, but it is a risk."

I held back a growl. Our retirement day was getting closer and tensions were getting higher. It's to be expected. But this will all be over soon. Two more days.

The Lion King In The Human World Part 3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz