Scar's Memories Part 1 And A BIG Surprise.

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(So, I know for a fact that the three pictures I tried to put up here were the correct files and Wattpad still rejected them. Has this happened to anyone else?)


The plan I've been working on for the past nineteen years is finally coming together. All I had to do was wait for my dumb nephew, his middle-class wife, their now five worthless children, and my own kids to get together in one place where my workers wouldn't be clearly noticed. A wedding or a party would work wonderfully.

Zira leaned over my shoulder at our copies of mail from all four places my brother's descendants live. "Still nothing?" she asked. She was no longer the country beauty I had been draw into this crime life by. Her long lush brown hair was now gray with split ends, her hour-glass figure had swelled, and her eyes had bags under them. I knew I wasn't the man she had lured in either. 

"Not unless the rest of our family will be at a party Kiara's invited to," I said, "Don't worry my dear. Three of Simba's children are dating someone, if his boys pop the question to their girls, that's a sure fire wedding for us to crash."

"What about the girl?" Zira asked.

"Kiara's dating our Kovu," I said, "I don't think I'll have the heart to crash our littlest's wedding. Would you?"

Zira sighed. "Probably not how we've planned, but I'd go just to see him get married."

"Good point," I said. I looked at the screen before me, off so I could see myself.

I look so much like my father did when I last saw him. Same gut, same wrinkles, same angry look about me. I hated it, but at least I don't look like Mufasa.


I watched Mufasa as he bust tables. I had finished my homework, struggled through it all, and had nothing else to do. Mufasa moved on to another table and cleared the dishes there. He went back and forth between tables and the kitchen. He did not pay any attention to his little brother in a wheelchair, otherwise known as ME!

I heard the bell above the door rang as the door opened. Great, it was five minutes until closing time and three boys Mufasa's age came in. "Hey King!" one of the boys shouted at my brother, "Get a few menus for us and make it snappy." I didn't like that boy.

Mufasa sighed and set out three menus for the boys at a table he just cleaned. "Any ideas what you would like to drink?" he asked nicely.

The boys opened up their menus. "Just give us a few minutes,"  the lead boy said.

"I'm sorry, but it is five minutes to closing time," Mufasa said, "Could I get your order to go?" At this point, a few chefs and other waiters poked their heads out of the door to the kitchen. They knew these boys and I knew one of them. The lead boy, David I think his name is, is the mayor's son. He also wasn't happy with the suggestion of a to go order.

"I want to eat here!" David shouted, "It's cold outside."

"It's June," Mufasa said.

David slapped his menu across Mufasa's face. "Mufasa!" I shouted, gaining attention, "Leave my brother alone!"

David turned to me, I was eight and in a wheelchair, I didn't look like a threat to him and I wasn't. He started to walk towards me, but Mufasa got in his way. "Outta my way King!" David barked.

"No," Mufasa said, "You can tease me at school, boss me around at work, throw your trash at me, and copy my homework, but I draw the line when you drag my little brother into this."

David just chuckled. "I can get you fired, you know that right?" he asked, "Just one word to my dad about this rude waiter and you and this diner are history."

"I'll save you the trouble," Mufasa said. He pushed David back a step and took off his apron. "I quit." Then he took my wheelchair's handle and pushed me out into the warm June night.

"Why'd you quit?" I asked.

Mufasa sighed. "I'm not going to put all those other people out of a job Taka," he said, "Besides, it's not like that's my only job. I got two others. Don't worry about it, I'll get another one soon."

I looked up at the New York city street lights, they shown bright even though the sun was still up. "Why are you working so much?" I asked, "The orphanage people take care of us."

Mufasa sighed again. "Taka," he said, "I have to save up for something important, almost there. I'm almost there." The song from The Princess And The Frog popped into my head.


Zira turned on the screen, interrupting my flashback. I know now that Mufasa was saving up for my surgery, I guess I owe that to him, but it's too late to do anything about that. He's been dead for years.

(Author's note: so my little sister who annoyed me into writing this fan-fiction didn't tell me she wanted Mufasa to survive. So I now have to bring him back from the dead. Gotta love my little sister)


One moment, I was with my wife and mother in heaven. The next, I was in a world of pain. I opened my eyes to a bright light, but it wasn't like the light that shone in heaven. It was a light bulb. I looked around, I was alive again. 

What just happened?!

"Sir," a woman at my side asked, "Are you okay? Do you remember your name?"

My name was. . . It was all fading now. Everything slowly faded into darkness. All I remembered were two faces, a man's and a boy's. "I don't know my name," I said, "Where am I? What happened?"

"You were found in the ocean," a man's voice said, "You've been in a coma for 33 years(I think my math is right, could someone check it for me please?) Do you remember anything?"

"My son," I whispered. I tried to sit up. "My son! Where's my son? I was with my son!"

The man and woman looked at each other. "We didn't find anyone else with you," the woman said softly, "I'm sorry." 

My son. My. . . my. . .my little Taka.

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