A Miracle Wedding.

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So, Kion and Kopa had to drag me out of bed and force me to go to my own wedding. Just a little case of pre-wedding jitters, nothing to worry about, right?

"Calm down Kiara," Rani told me as she did my make-up, "Today is going to be amazing. You have nothing to worry about." Amahle sat on the other side of her, watching everyone with wide eyes.

"When you marry Kion," I told her bitterly, "You'll be freaking out and I swear I'll rub what you just said in your face."

Fuli took the empty seat on the other side of me. "It's not like you're running a race with world-class athletes when you're a first timer and you tripped in front of the whole world on live television." I glared at her. Fuli only chuckled. "Oh, your face right now," she laughed. Anga grabbed her arm and pulled her away.

Rani made me face her again for the eye shadow. "The wedding is going to be perfect," she told me, "Every detail is taken care of, every possible problem doesn't exist, Kovu's going to be there waiting for you at the alter and this is going to be one of the best days of your life."

The door opened and Asher walked in. Normally, I'd kick a boy out and tell him to knock, but he's my nephew and only five years old. "Auntie Kiara!" he cried, running to me with open arms, "I can't find Mommy!"

"Aww!" I said to him. I picked him up in my arms. "Don't worry Asher, we'll find your mom."

"I'll take him," Rani said, "He's going to be my stepson soon. Come here Asher, let's find your mommy." She took him from me, set him on her hip, and headed out to find Jasiri. Kion would probably do as well though.


My mind is telling me that my fears about the upcoming wedding are irrational and illogical and yet my heart is beating at a rate that is beyond normal human heart rates and the emotional part of me is rushing to the irrational and illogical fears. Simply put, I got cold feet and am freaking out.

Also, apparently Nuka has some plan in mind to make this day extra special. I love him, I'm grateful he took care of me, but he's not the best when it comes to planning. Not by a long shot. I have a large data reserve in favor of my hypnosis that Nuka's plans fail nine out of ten, if it is not a perfect ten out of ten failures.

"Kovu," Kion told me, "I don't know what Nuka has planned, but it can't be any worse than your engagement party. Nothing can top the national guard coming in." I still fail to understand why the guard felt the need to intervene because of failed fireworks and a flying roasted pig. (What do you think happened? I'd love to hear your ideas)

"Um," one of my favored college professors asked, "Are we sure that guy is related to the smartest man in the world?" 

"I was adopted," I said.

"Makes much more sense," my old professor said.

A knock came from the door. "Kion?" my adoptive first cousin once removed and soon to be my brother in law's girlfriend Rani asked from the other side, "Asher came into the girl's room and he said that he can't find Jasiri. Do you know where she is?"

Kion got up and opened the door. Asher held his arms out to his young dad, tears trickling down his face. Kion took Asher in his arms. "It's okay Asher," Kion told him, "It's okay, we'll find Mom. I promise. Come on Rani, let's look."

Kion, Rani, and Asher went out. At the same time, Nuka came in. "Alright," Nuka said, "Time to get ready. Come on Kovu, it's the biggest day of your life and Vatani and I are going to make it a day to remember." Maybe my fears are not so irrational and illogical after all.


Simba was ready to walk his little princess down the aisle. "Nervous Kiara?" he asked.

Kiara sighed. "I'm making the right choice, right Daddy?"

Simba smiled. "He's a good man Princess. I would have killed him before he could ask you if he wasn't one. Everyone gets nervous before their wedding. On my wedding, I was a wreak. Though that may have something to do with Timon's driving."

Kiara bit her lip. Simba pulled her in for a hug. "Don't worry Princess," he said, "Because you've run out of time to worry, your flower girls just left."

Simba and Kiara walked around the wall that blocked the bride and bridesmaids from the view of the alter. Once she saw the alter, Kiara gasped. "You see Kovu standing, right Daddy?"

"I'm not sure," Simba told her.

Kovu was standing. Nuka's big plan was for him and Vatani to hold him up so he could stand to marry his love. Nuka and Vatani smiled as they stood besides their brother on his big day.

Simba gave Kiara into Kovu's hands. "What is happening?" Kiara asked.

Kovu glanced at Nuka, then at Vatani. "They knew how much this day meant to me," he said, "And they wanted me to remember this day forever. I will certainly remember the day I stood for the first time. Though I'm fairly certain I would have remembered my wedding even if I was in my wheelchair."

"Hey," Vatani said, "Just get married before I change my mind about doing this."

The ceremony carried on, only slightly different than a normal wedding with the groom having to be held up. Then Kovu and Kiara kissed. Nuka and Vatani let go to clap, but stood frozen. Kovu was standing on his own, they weren't holding him. It was a miracle.

When the newly-weds pulled back, Kiara saw Kovu wasn't supported anymore. "Um," she said, pointing behind him. Kovu turned his head around and saw his siblings' arms freed. He turned back to his new wife.

"My brain just broke," he said, "Flat out broke in two. There is no explanation for this. This is impossible."

"And yet," Kiara told him, "It's happening."

Kovu's face broke out in a smile. "It's happening," he repeated, "I'm standing. I'm gonna fall." And Kovu fell down the platform.

"Ouch!" little Asher said.

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