The Next Couple To Get Married.

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I tucked Amahle into her bed and turned off the light. "Good night," I said to her, in English this time.

"Good night," she said back. She has come a long way since she came from Africa. I closed the door and headed down to the kitchen, where Kion was.

I plotted down in a chair besides him. "Today was crazy," I told him. We had just gotten back from seeing Kiara and Kovu off on their honeymoon. I hadn't even had time to take off my dress yet.

Kion undid his tie and set it aside. "I expected it to be," he said, "Though the part where Kovu stood was a surprise."

I laughed. "I didn't know what to think when I saw that," I told him, "And then he actually stood, unsupported. That was a miracle for sure."

Kion put his arm around me. "So," he asked, "Bedtime for us Americans? It's nearly midnight." I glanced at the clock. It was close to midnight. 

I sighed. "Yeah," I said, "And in the morning, we can start planning our wedding. Do you think Amahle's too young to be my maid of honor?"

Kion shrugged. "Whatever you want Rani," he said, "We have quite a lot of money stored away for the wedding."

I lay my head on Kion's shoulder. "Pays to fall for a rich man," I said, "But what about my family in Africa? They need their land back."

"We can still send them money," Kion told me, "Trust me, the worth of a dollar is very different between here and there. Fifty bucks here is about one hundred fifty there. Your extended family will be on their own land again by Christmas." He paused. "Do they celebrate Christmas over there? I don't want to assume."

I had to laugh. "They do have Christmas," I told him, "Most of the world has Christmas, in some way or another. Well, not Jews, but you know that." I let out a yawn. "It's clearly not Christmas time, but bedtime instead."

"I got you," Kion said.

I eyed him. "Kion," I asked as he got up, "What are you doing?!" Kion had picked me up in his arms. "Put me down!" I demanded.

"You're heavy," Kion said, "What? You said to put you down."

I crossed my arms. "All that time with Asher must have made you a real dad," I told him, "Because that was a dad joke if I ever heard one."

"But seriously," Kion said, setting me on the floor, "You really are heavier than you look. If that's an insult, I'm sorry, I'll get you flowers tomorrow."

"Kion," I said, "You don't have to get me flowers."

"I meant seeds," Kion said. He would get me seeds? I'm so glad I'm going to marry him. The dirty part of my mind, and I don't mean like garden dirt, snuck up on me then. Maybe I could give into it, just this once. What could happen?

Asher came into my mind. En, we were getting married.

I pressed my body against Kion's. "I think you have plenty of seeds of your own." I told him.

"Huh?" Kion asked.

"Three," I counted down, "Two. One." Kion got it, he blushed. "There you go."

"So," Kion said, "You want that, do you? You know I have gotten someone pregnant before, right?"

I nodded. "You know that I wouldn't mind that, right?" I asked.

Kion threw up his arms in surrender. "You win," he said, "Come on." Yay!



"Next up," I told Zira, "Kion and Rani's wedding. Then we will have our revenge and our freedom."

Zira smiled. "Soon dear," she said, "Soon, very soon."

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