Four Days Until The Wedding.

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(Happy 4th of July to all my American readers! Not all of my readers are Americans, in case anyone was wondering. If you're not American, have a happy day anyway)


"Whahoo!" Bunga shouted as he borrowed into me and knocked me to the ground, "Kion's getting married! Kion's getting married!"

"Ow," I said, "Bunga, you know better than to knock me down like that. My bands can't break before the wedding."

"We don't want him to be in a wheelchair little B," Beste said, "Here Kion, let me help you up." Beste held out his hand to me. I took it and got back up. As I dusted myself off, Bunga continued doing his thing.

"You are the first one of us to get hitched Kion," Bunga said, "I always thought Anga would be the first. She's clearly the babe of the group." Anga walked over just to hit Bunga over the head with her purse. "Ouch," Bunga said, "What was that for?"

"Take a wild guess," Anga told him. Then she spoke Spanish rapidly.

"Um Anga," Ono said, "Just know that I now understand what you're saying whenever you speak Spanish. How do you know so many curse words? How does Spanish have that many curse words?" Anga just shrugged.

"Oh come on Anga," Bunga said, "Tell me that you don't have the body of a model. Look at you!"

Anga hit him with her purse again. "Let me guess," Bunga said, "Same thing as last time. What did I do last time again?"

"I don't like it when men speak about my body in any way, shape, or form," Anga said, "It's creepy no matter who it is."

"Yeah Bunga," Fuli said, "Just leave her alone and for once, keep your mouth shut."

"I've never done that before," Bunga said. That actually makes a lot of sense when I look back on all the things that have come out of Bunga's mouth. "Why should I? I can be smart when I want to be."

I had to chuckle at that. Bunga turned to me shocked. "Wait," I said, "You were serious about that. Sorry."

"It's not your fault little B," Beste said, "It's just you had this habit of doing some not so smart things, so it's kinda hard to picture you as anything but yourself." I'm pretty sure that's just a nice way of saying 'you do stupid things so we don't believe you're smart' but I'm not sure. Mostly because Beste would never say something like that.

Bunga crossed his arms. "I can't believe you guys don't know how smart I am. I'm a genius." Bunga a genius? I'd like to see that. Maybe he'd stop charging into me and trying to swipe sugar if he was a genius.

"Okay," Makini said, running up to us, "I'm here! Where's your son Kion? I wasn't here for Kiara's wedding, so I have to meet him!"

"Asher's running around with Rani's little cousin Tray," I told her, happy to change to a subject that wouldn't upset my best friend, "You'd like him Dr. Makini," Makini giggled at her new title. She had become a doctor just like her uncle Rafiki and was very proud of herself, "then again, there's not a person in the world you don't like."

"That's true," Makini said, "Now where is Asher so I can hug him!"

Just then, I heard someone speaking Swahili. I turned around. Amahle was chasing Asher and Tray around, Hannah close behind her. As the only kids in the wedding, though I'm not sure Hannah counts as a kid at 17, they were always having fun and playing games together. "Asher," I called, "Come over here for a moment. There's someone who wants to meet you."

Asher ran over to us and hide behind Ono. Tray ran on past, Hannah ran after Tray and Amahle ended up chasing Asher around Ono. "Um," Ono said, "Could you guys maybe stop circling me like this? It's making me dizzy."

I scooped up Asher. Amahle quickly tagged him. "Dad! I'm it now!" Asher cried.

"Sorry Asher," I told him, "But I said that someone wanted to meet you."

"And hug you!" Makini screamed, yanking Asher into her arms and squeezing him tight, "Don't ever forget that I wanted to hug you too."

"I can't breath!" Asher wheezed.

"Who's this?" Bunga asked, pointing to Amahle.

Amahle smiled. "I am Amahle King," she said, "I am the adopted daughter of Kion and Rani King. I was born in Africa. I hope we can be friends." Those sentences are burned into her brain now.

"Adopted daughter?" Fuli asked. She turned to me. "Since when?"

"Since four days from now," I told her, "Rani and I will sign the papers to make it official after we're husband and wife. Amahle is just enjoying it."

"First you're the first to have a son," Beste said, "Then the first to get married, and now to have a daughter. You better slow down Kion."

"Hey," I said, "Adopting Amahle was Rani's idea. And she needed it or else Immigration might have sent her back to her village. Plus, I don't really have to explain my choices to you guys even though you're my friends."

"I promise you guys," Bunga said, changing the subject out of the blue, "I will prove to you that I'm a genius!"

I'm scared now.

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