The Guests Arrive.

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I listen as people start coming. All these people were coming to see me get married. It's my big day and I might throw up all over my mom's dress. That would ruin this day for me, I don't have a back up dress for my back up dress.

I'm still waiting for a refund on my first dress by the way. If they can't have it delivered by the wedding, they should refund you.

Amahle pressed her ear up against the door. "I hear your name Mom," she said. Kion and I haven't officially adopted her, but she still calls us Mom and Dad. We don't really mind. I'm a mom! Like a mom, not a step mom. Sure, it's not the same as having a child of my own blood with the man I love, I assume, but still. "Who is that?"

I peeked out the door. The person calling my name was Lydia.

"Lydia," I whispered through the crack, "In here." Somehow, she heard me and rushed inside the door.

"Hi," Lydia said, "I made it. O.M.T! Rani, you look absolutely magnificent!"

I blushed. I knew that Mom had a beautiful dress for her wedding, but I honestly didn't think it looked that good on me. It was made for Mom, I was a few inches taller than her and not as full around the chest area. Though that's probably going to change soon.

"Lydia," I said, "I'm so glad you're here. I'm so nervous."

"Rani," Kiara said, "You're going to be fine. Today is going to be the best day of your life. My wedding was the best day of my life, but I was nervous."

"Same here," Mrs. King said while pulling Evie's hair back.

"Me as well," Nermala said, trying to find her other shoe.

Evie sighed. "Kopa better pop the question soon," she huffed. "I'm getting tired of waiting. Sure there's the whole Hannah thing."

"The whole Hannah thing meaning what?" Hannah asked, crossing her arms and acting just like a teenager, which she was.

Evie smiled. "Never mind," she said sweetly, "We good."

I sighed. "I'm fine. O.C.D. please take the day off. I don't need help freaking out today. After today, I'll be Mrs. Kion King."

"Wait," Lydia said, "Mrs. Kion King? Like of the King family? The filthy rich King family? You're marrying into that family?"

I sighed. I knew this was coming the moment I invited her. "Yeah," I said, "Kion and I just fell in love. It's not about money for us like it would be if you were the bride. Money isn't the reason to marry, it never should be. The only reason to marry is for love."

Nermala eyed me, both shoes in her hand. "Sounds like the words of someone who has nothing to worry about," she said, "Hint, hint."

I sighed. "Alright," I told her, "I have no reason to be worried."

But, that's a lie. Today's not only the day I'm getting married, but the day I tell Kion my big secret.

My period was lighter than normal so I took a few pregnancy tests. One was positive, one was negative. Confusing, so I went to a doctor that is not my aunt.

There, I learned the biggest news I have ever heard. I couldn't tell if I was happy or afraid or sad or what. I still don't know what I'm feeling about this. Maybe seeing how Kion reacts will help me decide?

Lydia started making a small seine and she became the center of attention. Thankfully, I was was able to slip into the adjoining bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror. Kion would be happy about this. I was sure about it.


"What?!" I shouted at the doctor, "No! How is this possible?"

"It happens," the doctor told me calmly, as if she handled this reaction often. She might, but not the time. "If you don't want this, I can recommend you to a specialist to take care of it."

"No," I said, "Not like that. Of course I want this, but I never expected so soon. I'm getting married later this week."

"To the same guy that put you in this way?" the doctor asked. I nodded, Kion was the same guy that gave me this issue. Can I call it an issue? Should I call it an issue? Should I call it an it? "Then you have nothing to worry about. If this guy is marrying you, surely he'll accept this little surprise. Check back with me sometime next month and I'm sure you know the drill when it comes to this sort of thing."

I nodded, still in a state of shock. Part of me wanted to dance, part of me wanted to scream, part of me was upset that I wouldn't be able to go to work. Amahle was finally able to go to school now and this happens. Another few parts of me wanted to be alone, with Kion, tell everyone, and lastly, curl up in a hole and die. That last one was out of the question.

New York went on by, cars went by, people walked on, tourists snapped pictures of whatever. I just drifted on by, walking right past my car. The world went on, as if I hadn't just gotten life changing news.


I snapped myself out of the flashback. Kion would love what I had for him. We talked about it, we both wanted it. He'd love it and he would dote on me every single day. Ballyo would be happy, and tease me. Surak and Nermala, no idea how they would react. Maybe it would be better if I waited like until next month to tell them? The Kings would be happy. Amahle would love this news. I'm 99% sure Asher would be happy.

I took a few deep breaths and put a hand on my stomach where my baby was growing. I was pregnant with Kion's second child. Kinda wish my baby was his first child, but Asher's nice and I don't think it would the same if I was his mother instead of Jasiri.

All this nerves can't be good for my baby. I had to calm down. I rubbed my little tiny start of a baby bump, you can't tell what it is though. "Today is a big day my little one," I whispered, "Please be good. Mommy's going through a lot and she doesn't need you making things worse."

I haven't had any symptoms yet, but now is not the time to start having them.

Hannah stepped into the bathroom and claimed a stall. I hope she didn't hear me talking to my baby.

The Lion King In The Human World Part 3Where stories live. Discover now