Adjusting To The Death.

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I have never heard us so quiet before. Ballyo, Amahle, Tray, and Asher were playing cards on the floor, Surak, Nermala, Kion, and I were just sitting around, watching them. It was almost time for four of us to leave and this vacation was anything but relaxing. I can't take this anymore.

"So," I said, then I stopped because I don't know what to say next. Real smooth Rani, really really smooth of you.

"So, you guys still coming to the wedding?" Kion asked. Thank you Kion. This is boring and not like us. We're a really close family, at least we used to be. I have no idea how close we are now. Probably not as close as we were. Grandmother would hate that.

"We plan on it," Nermala said. She's taking Grandmother's death even harder than those actually related to her. Grandmother was her first lost patent. What's even worse is she was her mother-in-law. "Tray and Asher sure seem to get along. It's cute."

I looked over at Tray and Asher. They did get along. They were the only ones who didn't miss Grandmother. Asher never met her and Tray barely understands what happened. I don't even think he knows she's never coming back yet. I had to smile at their friendship. "Yeah, it's nice they get along. They come from two different worlds and they're friends."

"What exactly do you mean by two different worlds?" Surak asked, "I mean, I know California is a different place than Maine. But they can't be that different."

"I was talking about their family situations," I said, "Tray has two hard working parents and an older cousin still living at home and Asher has a mom, dad, me, and his mom's boyfriend. Tray has a normal family and Asher does not."

Surak and Nermala eyed each other when I talked about Asher's family. I had already had a few phone conversations with them before coming up here. They know Asher was born when Kion was sixteen and I'm okay with him in our family. Sure, things are a little tense between Kion and Janja and between Jasiri and I, but we make it work. As best as we can. I just hope we don't have to have another conversation about it.

"I win!" Tray shouted. That was a welcome distraction.

"Nice job Tray," I said.

Asher looked at his cards and sighed. "I was so close," he grumbled.

"Maybe next time Asher," Kion said, "It's only your first time playing this game."

"Again!" Tray shouted, "Again!"

"I no understand the game," Amahle said, "Do you want to have elder woman card or not? Why there elder woman card at all?"

I sighed. I didn't really understand why Old Maid is what it is. How could I possibly explain it to Asher?

I turned to Surak and Nermala. "Any ideas how to make her understand?" I asked, "Because I got nothing. I don't know Old Maid's history."

"You think we have any more idea than we do?" Surak asked.

I had to shrug. "I'm just looking to the older generation for help," I said. I felt bad instantly. Older generation? What was I thinking?

We are not adjusting to Grandmother's death very well, are we?

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