All According To Plan.

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"Outta my way you grandmas!" I screamed. I'm really putting on a good show of trying to lose these guys. I think I hit like five civilians, but they'll live.

"Bullseye!" Binga shouted from the back.

"Nice," I told her. That was the cue to crash this van.

"Whoa!" I said, "The breaks! The breaks are broken! I can't break the breaks because the breaks are broken!"

"Is the wordplay really necessary?" Fuli asked.


I leaned over the steering wheel as if I was unconscious. I really had to try to not smile for this next part.


"Is everyone okay?" Binga asked.

"Kiara," Kovu asked, "Are you alright?"

"I think so," Kiara answered.

I turned to Rani. "Are you hurt?" I asked, "How's the baby?"

"No clue about the baby," Rani told me, "But I'm fine."

"Daddy!" Asher cried, "I want Mommy!"

I pulled Asher into my arms. "It's okay, we'll get you to Mommy soon. Right Bunga." No answer. "Bunga?"

"Lit' B?" Beste asked.

"Oh no!" Anga exclaimed, running up front with the rest of my friends. I joined them in checking on Bunga.

Bunga lay down across the steering wheel, knocked out cold by the crash. "Bunga?" I asked, trying to shake him awake, "Bunga? Are you okay? Wake up! Please!"

"Bunga!" Fuli said, slapping him, "If you're pulling my leg, I'm going to be so mad at you!"

"They're coming," Binga said, "Quick, into those woods! We'll have to leave now."

"But Bunga," Ono told her.

"I don't want to do this anymore than you do," she said, "But we'll have to leave him. The Kings are the targets, they'll go after the Kings. Bunga knew the risks when he signed up for this job. I don't care if he's alive or dead, but we have to keep going. He would want the mission to be carried out."

I felt like a heel. I was leaving Bunga behind. Sure, it's his job, but is that really how this spy thing works. Leave a man behind? I'm glad I'm not a spy.


It worked. Binga convinced them to leave me. I activated the tracker in my pocket. I knew Scar's men would take me to their base. Boss will have that place swarmed as soon as possible. Plan's almost completed. And Kion and the rest of them are safe now, not to be used as bait again.

I'm really proud of myself. I didn't smile or give myself away or anything. And I know how much I mean to my friends. I should probably buy them all dinner to make up for this.

Footprints sounded outside the van. I sucked in my breath and smeared some fake blood on my head and the steering wheel. These guys would be looking for that sort of thing. Then I waited to be taken captive.

Not my favorite part of the job, but it's part of the job.

"They just left him," a voice said, "Some friends."

"We'd never leave a man behind," another voice added, "And they call us criminals. Hypocrites." Yes, yes, come closer. Take a good look at me, recognize me, take me hostage. "This is Bravest," the second voice said again, "he's been a thorn in Scar's side for way too long."

"Should I shoot him?" the first voice said. No! That's not the plan! That would ruin everything! Plus I'll be dead!

"No," the second voice said. Thank goodness. "Scar wants him alive. After all, why would the Kings turn themselves in for a dead guy."

I should have known they'd have a back up plan. Well, I do too. Sorry Kion, Kings, and everyone else, you're going to have to be bait for a little bit longer.

"Let's get him to the base," the first voice said. Never mind Kion, Kings, everyone else.

The Lion King In The Human World Part 3Where stories live. Discover now