A New Way To Go.

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I waited for my latest drawings to upload. I finished the drawings for a kid's book that teaches about elections and that kind of stuff called 'Steps Towards Presidency With George Washington' a few days early, so it's not like I'm in a hurry. I just don't like my slow computer.

Asher played on the playground near by. Sure, it's probably not the best parenting to work at a park, but his friend Todd's mom is watching them and she's one of those intense mothers. Todd's her only child so, yeah.

Asher was right now running across the play structures with Todd at his heels and Todd's mom keeping pace with them on the ground. She was saying something about how they should slow down and something about losing a tooth. 

That reminds me. I have to tell Kion Asher lost his first tooth. It came out on the way to the park and it's now in my bag. Probably not the best place for a tooth, but it's not like it's going back in his mouth again.

Just as I reached for my bag to grab my phone, a hand snatched my bag away. "Hey!" I shouted, "That's mine!"

"A bugler!" Asher screamed, "I'll get 'em Mommy!" Asher slid down the pole and started running after the purse snatcher before I could stop him.

"Asher!" I cried, "No, don't get him. Police! Police!"

Why does this feel so familiar?

Thankfully, a man walking past the playground heard me call for the police. He turned and the bugler ran into him, having turned back to see Asher following him. The bugler got up and ran away, leaving my bag behind thankfully. Asher grabbed my purse and held it up proudly to me, as if he had gotten it back.

I'll give it to him, he's too cute to do anything else.

"Thanks Asher," I told him, "But please don't got running off like that again. Especially after bad guys like that." Then I turned to the man. He seemed to be about my age, and rather handsome if I may say so. "Thanks for stopping him," I said to him, "Sorry he knocked you down."

The man just stared at me. "Um," I said, "Is something wrong?"

Asher slapped the man. I pulled him back. "Asher," I said, "That only works in cartoons, it just hurts in real life. Say you're sorry."

"Thorry," he said, lisping with the gape in his teeth.

The man shook his head and stood up. "Aw, it's nothing pretty lady. I mean pretty lady. I mean ma'ma. I'm just embarrassing myself here, aren't I?"

Asher laughed. "You funny!" he said.

I even held back a laugh. "You may be embarrassing yourself a tiny bit, but you just stopped a bandit so I think you can afford a little embarrassment on your part."

The man chuckled. "You make it sound like we're gonna meet again," he said.

"We might," I told him, "Who knows? Thanks again for stopping that guy. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to report this to the police."


After I dropped Asher off at kindergarten, I went to the coffee shop on the corner of my new block to check it out. I had finally got to the front of the line, real popular shop, when I saw him again. 

"Well hello again," I said to the same man who stopped the thief a few days ago, "We do meet again."

The man chuckled. "I guess we did," he said, "So, what can I get you?" The man, I can tell his name is Janja from his name tag, clearly worked here. Once again, I can tell because not many people go around wearing name tags if they're not at work.

"Could I try your french brew?" I asked.

"Coming right up," Janja said, "What's your name?"

"Jasiri," I told him.

"Another J name," Janja said, "Do you know how many Jackies and Janes and Joanns I've written today alone?"

"Not really," I said.

When Janja gave me my coffee, I couldn't help but notice he wrote his number on the side of my cup. I blushed. I had been thinking of him often these past few days. I hadn't acted this way since Kion. But this time about Janja. 

Janja's kind of a new way to go.

Asher showed me his newest drawing that night. His family in crazy colors. Me, Kion, and him. Also, there's a cat in there.

"You want a kitty cat?" I asked, pointing to the cat. Asher nodded. "We'll talk about the kitty cat later." Then I heard a meow. I groaned. "Asher! You did not bring a cat into our house without asking first."

"But I did," Asher said. He's so lucky he's my son.

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