Rani Is Still Waiting To Leave Africa.

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African Grandmother slid the necklace over my head. She had made a necklace out of the teeth of that lion I killed as a prize. I wasn't sure about a lion teeth necklace, but it was either this or Grandfather's wives make something out of the lion's skin for me to take home. I don't even think I can get the necklace through airport security.

African Grandmother held up her little hand mirror. The lion's  teeth were bleach white and tied on a black sting of thread with a few red beads thrown in. "It looks beautiful Rani," African Grandmother said, "A true prize for a brave woman warrior."

"You know I was scared out of my wits, right?" I asked, "I was not brave at all."

"Courageous then," African Grandmother said, "Courage is being scared, but doing the brave thing anyway."

"I still don't think I'm a warrior," I said, "I can't even decide if I'm getting married or not."

African Grandmother put down her mirror. She looked right at me and crossed her arms. "And why not?" she asked, "If you can chase away our landlord's grandson, promise to help us get our land back, and kill a lion, what makes you think you are not ready for marriage?"

I sighed and fingered the lion's teeth. The points had been filed down so they would never cut me, but they still looked sharp. "I just don't think I'm ready," I said, "I've never expected marriage to come this early in life. I'm so young, for an American. I don't know when you get married over here, but 22 is very young."

African Grandmother rolled her eyes. "If you are ready for marriage, who cares how old you are? Your beloved feels he is ready for marriage, and he would not ask you if he didn't think you were ready as well. What are you even worried about?"

I didn't have an answer for her. What was I worried about?

I was leaving to go back to America the next day. Back to the apartment in Texas to help Kion get everything packed up and Kion will expect an answer. Sure, it was a 18 hour flight so I would have plenty of time to think. Why am I so worried? I love Kion, he was my first love, my only lover who didn't try to kidnapped me. He was probably the best I could do, considering my dating history. He cared for and loved me too. 

Why was I worried?

Amahle came over to me. She had changed since the lion killed her mom. Like something like that wouldn't change you. She sat down next to me and looked at my necklace. "How do I look in it?" I asked, at a loss for what to say. I hate myself, that's all I could come up with.

Amahle sighed and turned towards the door, making her back face me. African Grandmother lowered her eyes. I had an idea to cheer Amahle up. "Do you want to come back with me?" What did I just say?

Amahle turned to me. "Really?" she asked, "You'd take me to America?" African Grandmother looked at me. I knew I had to do this, I couldn't take back what I said.

I nodded. "I'll take you to the city and get the paper work done there. I can take you with me to America, as long as your dad agrees."

Amahle ran out to ask her dad. I put my head in my hands. "I can't believe I did that," I sighed, "Why did I say I would take her to America?"

African Grandmother shrugged. "Who knows? But you did. I think she will like America."


I did the paperwork, cleared Amahle for travel to America, we'll have to get to immigration when we land. The whole thing was easier than I thought it would be. In fact, we actually had a few minutes to spare before our flight, so I called Kion on the airport landline.

"Kion," I said, "Long story short, I'm bringing a cousin back with me."

"Um," Kion said from over the phone, "Okay? I guess if I have a son, you can bring your cousin. So do I pick you up at the airport or immigration?"

"You're okay with this?" I asked.

"Why shouldn't I be?" Kion asked, "I love you and I'm okay with pretty much anything you want. Plus, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation."

"I killed a lion," I said. The other end of the phone was quiet. "Kion?" I asked.

"What?!" Kion shouted. I pulled the phone away from my ear for a minute. "Okay," Kion said, once the phone was back to my ear, "What? How? Why? You are so going to tell me that story when you get home. I was not expecting that."

I glanced down at my bag. My lion teeth were wrapped in a cloth inside. I smiled. "I'll tell you," she said, "Then we can work on getting my family's land back and start talking about what we're going to do with Amahle."

"Is that your cousin?" Kion asked.

"Yeah," I said. Then my flight was called. "I gotta go Kion," I said, "See you at home. Pick us up at immigration. And yes." I hung up.



"I gotta go Kion," Rani said, "See you at home. Pick us up at immigration. And yes." She hung up.

Yes to what?

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