Wedding Planning And The Lost Son Returns.

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Kovu is letting me do whatever I want for our wedding! I love him so much right now! I'm getting my dream wedding thanks to him.

"I've been planning this since I was little," I told Mom as we went over my plans, "And Kovu's letting me do it all. All he wants is a red velvet cake and no press."

"Yeah," Mom said, "Press are annoying. Does no one care that there's a war about to break out in Africa? It seems like it because your wedding with Kovu is all over the news."

I sighed. I didn't have big wedding plans. I wanted a ceremony with my family, friends, a few college associates at Pride Gardens, where Mom and Dad got married. Oh, and a reception with cake and presents.

Dad came in, laughing over something. "What's so funny?" Mom asked.

Dad sat down. "Kovu asked me what I would take as a bride price," he said, "After a quick lecture on bride prices and where it came from, I jokingly said three chickens and a pig. He agreed. I never realized he had such a sense of humor."

I laughed at Kovu's antics. He did tell a few jokes from time to time, which normally ended in a history lesson or some kind of lesson. I love him when he teach and jokes at the same time.

"What's all this?" Dad asked.

"Kiara's wedding plans," Mom told him, "She's been planning her wedding since she was six. Did you know about this?"

Dad shook his head. "Didn't you start planning our wedding at eight?" he asked.

Mom nodded. "But I at least knew who I would marry."

I picked up my nine-year-old self's drawing of my dream wedding dress. That was something I had to have. A sparkling white dress with butterfly patterns and sequins and a long train behind. I also wanted to wear jewelry from both my grandmothers and my mom's wedding vale. I wasn't changing my outfit.

"I can't believe my little princess is getting married," Dad sighed, "It seems like just yesterday you and Kion were little tiny babies who I could carry in my arms at the same time."

I reached across Mom to give him a hug. "I'm still your princess Daddy," I told him, "I'm just getting a prince."

"You already have two princes," Dad said, "Your brothers."

I pulled back and sat back down. "I'm not marrying my brothers," I told him.

"She has a point Simba," Mom said, "She cannot marry her brothers and I want grandchildren. Do tell me that you would rather pass on grandchildren."

Dad chuckled. "Got me there," he said.



"Our invite to my sister's wedding is here Rani," I called out.

Rani peeked over my shoulder. "I assumed we were already invited," she said, "Or at least you were."

"We were," I told her, "But this has the date of the wedding on it. That's really what I'm looking for. The date's kinda important to know."

Rani took the invite and pinned it up on the board we use to remind us about tests and those kind of things. "Wait a minute," she said, "Isn't Kovu King your cousin?"

"Turns out," I said, "There's no law against marrying your cousin. Also, Kovu was adopted so they wouldn't have a problem even if there was a law."

Rani turned back to me. "Just out of curiosity, we're not related right?"

I had to laugh. "Rani," I said, "You are as dark as you could get and I'm as white as paper. If we are related, it's very far away and we should have no problem."

"Good," Rani said, "Image if we had to break up because we're related. That would be awful."

I shrugged. "At least we would have each other as family. I don't think having you as a cousin would be so bad. Ballyo would be pretty fun to have for a cousin too."

Rani crossed her arms. "Do you want to have me as a cousin?" she asked.

I shrugged again. "I'm just happy to have you any way I can get you," I told her. That should make it better. If not, I have the florist on speed dial.

Rani went back to her book. "It's crazy how our lives change so quickly," she said, "I can't believe we're boyfriend and girlfriend."

"I never would have guessed the day I walked into the teen club would change my life," I said, "And it's all thanks to your little brother."

Rani laughed. "Ballyo still doesn't know how he brought us together. I'm not even sure he remembers that day."

"It's not like it changed his life," I told her, "Just ours."

I sat down next to Rani and put my  arm around her shoulders. Then my phone beeped at me.



Asher has started asking about his dad. I can't hide him forever can I?

I sat Asher down and showed him Kion's picture. "This is your dad Asher," I told him, "His name is Kion King and he lives far away in a place called New York."

Asher took the picture in his five-year old hands. He smiled. "Hi Daddy," he said, "I can't wait for you to come back." I gulped. I hadn't planned on telling Kion about Asher. I didn't know how he would react to this news. I didn't know how to handle this. 

But Asher pointed to Kion's birthmark. "He has a mark like I do Mommy," he said giggling, "Did I get his mark?"

I nodded. "That's where you got it from," I said, "He was born with that mark just like you were. He gave you his mark."

"So he knows I'm his," Asher said proudly, "Can I take this to kinder-garden Mommy? All the other kids are bringing their dads in, but Daddy's not here to come? Can I take his picture?"

I hadn't heard of that. "Sweetie," I said, "When is this?"

Asher shrugged. "I don't know," he said, "I got a paper from teacher about it." Asher ran to his bag and got the paper.

Dad's day, a day when all the dads come and tell about their jobs and hobbies and just spend time with their kids. I sighed and left Asher to his coloring. I hadn't even deleted Kion from my contacts, though he was now under 'Asher's dad' instead of 'boyfriend.' 

I took a deep breath and texted him.



Kion was staring at his phone. "What's wrong?" I asked. I looked over at his phone screen.

Unknown: Kion, it's Jasiri. Long story short, when you dumped me, I was pregnant. 

My jaw dropped. Jasiri was the girl I convinced Kion to break up with. But she was pregnant. I made Kion dump a pregnant woman. I looked up at Kion. "Kion," I whispered, "What just happened?"

Kion didn't answer me.

The Lion King In The Human World Part 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora