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This was it. The opening ceremony of my first Olympic games. I feel like I'm going to throw up.

That would so ruin this night for me. Why am I thinking about that? I'm so worried that I'm going to throw up now, the feelings worse. I took some deep breaths to calm my nerves. Perhaps I should think about something else. Kiara's wedding. She's getting married soon, to her adopted cousin. 

Eh, it's the King family, they're all weird.

Azzad tapped on my shoulder. Of course, this country's native language had America right in front of France when put in alphabetical order. Just my luck. Azzad was annoying.

"It is rather cold out," he said, "Isn't it? I hope it will not be this cold for my race. Do you agree strange American whose name I still have not learned."

I groaned. At least he had stopped calling me blond jogging girl. I ignored him and turned my thoughts back to Kiara's wedding.

I had seen pictures of the dresses she had for her bridesmaids. Baby pink was not my color, but it's her wedding. I hope I don't have to wear a flower in my hair.

Azzad tapped me on the shoulder again. "Please don't," I told him, "I'm nervous enough as it is without you bugging me all the time."

"First time, huh?" Azzad asked. I had made it a point for him not to know anything about me. That way, he couldn't find me later. "That was me last time. The first Olympics can be scary, but it always looks worse than it is. The people watching, for the most part, know nothing of our sport. So we always look good in their eyes. And even getting here in the first place is something noteworthy."

I hate to admit it, but Azzad's actually helping me. Just being here fulfilled my dream and I can say that I'm an Olympian for the rest of my life. How good would that look on a resume or a dating site? 

I sighed. "Fuli," I told Azzad, "My name is Fuli Swift."

Azzad chuckled. "Swift huh?" he said, "Well, you better live up to your name Swift." Ugh, even my name makes me nervous about this.


If I thought I was nervous before the opening ceremony, I'm extremely nervous now. I can feel my wits dying inside me as I speak. Today's the day I run. 

Fifteen women in my event, I'm the only American. I'm a newbie surrounded by gold, sliver, and bronze medalists. The whole world is watching.

Can you feel the weight on your shoulders? That's nothing compared to what I'm feeling.

Then I saw Azzad. No doubt in the crowd for his two French favorites. But he waved at me and smiled. Why does his smile change so much about me?



"There's Fuli!" Bunga shouted.

"This is so exciting," Ono said, "Fuli's finally gonna race."

Beste leaned forward. "I can't wait," he said.

"Me neither Beste," I said, "This has been her dream forever."

"Come on Fuli!" Anga cheered, "Win us a metal."

Rani grabbed my arm. "They're starting!" she squealed. I could see that, but she's just as excited as I am, even though she's not really a friend of Fuli's, I think. I don't know where they stand on their relationship.

Then the shot sounded, the runners took off with Fuli in the first five. "They're neck and neck," Bunga commentated, "And neck and neck and neck. Japan's got the lead, but China's coming right up behind her. Oh but wait, here comes Thailand. It's an Asian struggle for gold. But what's this? Is that the red, white, and blue of the Us of A under a blond ponytail? Yes, it's Fuli and she. . .Oh no!"

Fuli had tripped on live television during an race. 

"Dang it!" Bunga said, "I thought she had that one."

"She's getting back up!" Anga said. And she was.

"Back up from her stumble," Bunga continued as if he didn't just think she was done with, "Fuli is racing back through the runners, quickly going from last place to what place is she in now? Is that eighth place? Or tenth? Maybe sixth? What place is she in?"

"Third now," Ono said, "she just passed Thailand. She's only got one more lap to go to catch the leader."

"Japan and China are still fighting over the gold," Bunga said, completely ignoring the fact that no one is paying any attention to him, "But Fuli may take it from both of them. Oh wait, where'd she come from? Is she American too?"

"That's the French flag," Beste said, "She's almost as fast as Fuli. It's gonna be close."

"They are rounding the last corner," Bunga said, "France and Fuli are neck and neck for gold. China and Japan are left in the dust, as are every other country. It's just them. They're approaching the finish line. It's gonna be close."

Then Fuli pulled ahead.



I collapsed on the other side of the finish line. I had done it. I won gold! France claimed sliver and China got bronze. 

I'm a gold medalist.

I'm a gold medalist.

I'm a gold medalist!


This is the best day of my life!

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