Chapter 49: Lovely couple

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Theo Pov!


Nervously, I bit at my nails as I paced back and forth outside of Aldo's kingdom's walls.

I was fine and calm when the hunt first started.

What could go wrong after all. . .Aldo owns these woods and the other mate, Jude. . .Well I didn't know anything about him but I was sure Aldo would be able to handle any threat from him.

So when night fell and the crowds had left, I was still happy, Content and eager to see if Jude would win.

I was rooting for him to escape.

Then I did the mistake of asking why the egg headed man who had tried to claim me in my hunt wasn't also trying to compete for Jude since he wanted power so badly.

. . .Turns out Aldo caused a little 'accident' with him during the hunt, He was no longer alive and had most likely died mere seconds after I had fled.

I found out at that point that 'accidents' happen a lot during these hunts and there is a large potential that Aldo might be an accident this time seeing as a lot of people joined this hunt.

Ever since then, I had been worried sick, Unable to sleep. . .Unable to tear my eyes off of the forest as I waited, Hoping that both Aldo and Jude would make it out okay.

I didn't really know Jude well enough to be too concerned about him, But Aldo. . .Aldo was. . .IS a sweet enough man.

He doesn't deserve death. . .Even though he's already killed multiple people that I know of.

Eventually, After the other hunters had finally returned. . .Well. . After most of the hunters had returned, Aldo emerged from the forest.

He was holding a seemingly sleeping Jude in his arms.

However, My heart skipped a dozen or so beats as soon as Aldo neared.

Wounds covered his torso and wings, Many of them clotted with dried blood and some dirt by now.

''Aldo?'' I called out, My voice wobbling slightly as I dashed off of the path, Hurrying over to the taller, Grey winged man.

''Hey there sweetie'' He greeted, His voice rough and quiet.

The passed out man in his arms started to stir slightly before Aldo let out a low rumbling purr sound.

Much to my surprise, Jude settled slightly as my heart fluttered about in my chest, Shocked.

''Oh'' I whispered, Stumbling out of Aldo's way as he started to walk to the large gate protecting his kingdom.

I was about to start following along behind him when he draped his bloody and dirt matted wing over my shoulders.

''You shouldn't be awake this early'' He commented while leading me into his kingdom and towards the large palace he resides in.

''Never slept'' I muttered, Starting to feel tired, Now that I was assured that he was okay I no longer needed to stay awake.

I could feel his surprise so I continued.

''I was told about the 'accidents' that happen. . .Was worried one might happen to you'' I muttered quietly, Looking away from him as I spoke.

The town around us was still mostly asleep, The wooden and stone houses lit with the fires burning inside to keep the inhabitants warm as they slept.

The wing draped over me moved slightly, Bumping into my chin and leaving a slight bloody smear on my cheek as he nudged my head to look back towards him again.

''Almost sounds like you care about me. . .Am I finally winning you over sweetie?'' He quietly teased, His normally charming voice was clearly tired.

I gave him a small feeble smile, My wings fluttering slightly as best they could under his larger and much heavier wings.

''You wish'' I murmured quietly as we finally reached the doors of the palace.

As soon as we both stepped through the doors, The small group of people who I had been informed were Aldo's concubines, Approached us.

Most of them had enough sense to stop as soon as their eyes landed on the man in Aldo's arms.

However, Sophie, Sophie and the only male in the group didn't take the very obvious hint.

Sophie moved to try and drape her arms over Aldo's remaining wing as the male concubine gave me a quick glare to fend me away from Aldo's other side.

Before Aldo or I could speak, Sophie started to speak.

''Do you want to have a romp in the sheets? You look so strong and ready'' The girl purred out as the male concubine tried to take Jude from Aldo's arms.

That. . .That stung. . .He wasn't pushing either of them away, Nor did he stop the male from pushing me away from him.

''Aldo! I got the bath all prepared for you and Jude'' Sophia's voice suddenly rang out as she descended down the stairs like an angel from above.

Without any words, She pushed her sister off of Aldo and shooed the male concubine away from Jude.

''Come come, Hurry now before the water cools'' Sophia said, Shooing Aldo up the stairs as she casted furious, Disgusted glares at her sister and the male.

Both of the concubines that hadn't left when they saw Aldo with Jude and I were sending death glares in my direction.

Why didn't Aldo push them away? Sure I could understand not refusing them for me. . .I'm not close enough to him yet . . .But while he was holding Jude??

 I wrapped my arms and wings around myself, My heart hurting a bit before Sophia returned to my side.

''C'mon, You've been up too late, Let's get you to bed. . .I'll make sure Aldo doesn't do anything with anyone other than that Jude mate'' Sophia assured me as she hurried me up the stairs as well.

I gave her a small forced smile.

''Thanks Sophia. . .You're most likely right. . .Sorry to inconvenience you'' I muttered, Feeling genuinely bad for her having to do a lot more work now.

I made my way up the stairs before much more could be said, I was getting real tired of feeling like shit.

Sleep should help. . .Hopefully. . .It usually does after all.


:T Yup. . .

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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