Chapter 13: Side tracked

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So just gonna say this now, If you get hurt do not do what Theo is doing, This is book logic, Not Irl logic, Please get medical attention if you get stabbed. . .


We had been walking for a while when we finally arrived at the camp.

I had shifted back into my first form, Having disliked being naked in my second form in front of Mr yellow eyes.

He had seemed amused by that, Seemingly unfazed by his own nudity.

On our way here, I had made a point to not look at him.

Walking into the camp, I noticed that the soldiers were moving around quickly, As if something had happened.

''What's going on?'' Yellow eyes demanded of one of the men rushing past, Having grabbed the man by his arm to stop him.

''Sir! There was an attempted attack'' The man blurted out, His brown and black speckled feathers bristling slightly as he spoke.

''Was anyone hurt?'' Yellow asked, His eyes narrowing slightly.

''Yeah, A few men got cut by the attacker's sword, However, The attacker took the most damage'' The man reported, Making my heart sink.

Mikey got hurt? No. . .

''Damn it. . .We don't have any of those rogue healers with us. . .'' Yellow muttered, Releasing the other man.

''Where?'' I asked quietly without thinking.

''Where what?'' Yellow asked, Turning his attention to me, His eyes narrowing.

''Where are these wounded?'' I asked, Glaring at him slightly as I asked the question.

He arched an eyebrow as I stared at him silently.

I had taken some time to gather some of the plants around here and test them while I was waiting for someone to find me.

''Where are they. . .Ace right?'' Yellow asked.

I swear, The soldier was nearly beaming at the fact Yellow remembered his name.

''R-Right this way sir!'' He said happily, Heading towards one of the nearby tents.

Sighing, I followed beside Yellow eyes.

Before I could attempt to fit inside the tent, Yellow stopped me.

''Change your form, I don't care which one you pick but you can't be in first'' He told me sternly.

I narrowed my eyes slightly, A small part of me worrying that maybe this was a trap of some sort.

If Mikey really is hurt than it won't really matter, I'm out matched here anyways. . .

Grimacing slightly, I shifted back into my second form, Making sure to hold my wings down to cover my 'Prized bits'.

I looked away from him as his eyes briefly looked me over before he nodded slightly.

''Good boy'' He praised again before he held open the flap of the tent slightly in a clear invitation for me to enter.

Instead of doing as he wished, I glared at him, Challenging him with my eyes to make me enter.

I noticed the feathers on his wings bristled slightly at my challenge, However, He didn't act on it.

Instead he gave me a look before entering the tent first, Letting the flap fall closed behind him.

Exhaling, I checked on the few plants I had woven into the feathers on the undersides of my wings.

I had learned that little trick from a healer who lived with my tribe, To quote them: 'You never know when you might need your herbs. You can't just carry a bag with you at all times, That's a good way to get it torn. Instead, Use grass to tie important herbs to your wings, If you're careful, it won't mess with your flight and you'll have them at your disposal'.

 They were all there.

Inhaling the dry and overly hot air, I entered the tent.

Stepping in, I took account of who all was here.

There were four men trying to stop the bleeding on one of the soldiers, They weren't applying pressure in the right spot, Not to mention they weren't applying enough of it as is.

Take count of how many wounded there are. . .

Five people total, One clearly in critical condition, Two were clearly hurt but weren't at risk of dying, And then there was Mikey. . .

They were right, He did appear to have taken a lot of blows, But none of them appeared critical.

As much as I hated to do so, I walked over to the one at serious risk of bleeding out.

I expected to have to push my way through the well meaning men to get to the dying one.

Instead, Yellow eyes cleared his throat and the men instantly moved aside enough for me to slide up close enough to the makeshift bed that I'd be able to attend to his wounds.

I carefully grabbed onto the cloth they were clumsily pressing into the wound.

The soldier holding onto it let go, They hesitated at the side of their friend before another sound from Yellow had them moving back.

I wasn't paying attention to what they were doing.

Instead, I moved the cloth off of the wound quickly seeing if I couldn't find the source of all the gushing blood.

A gash right above the collar bone, Doesn't look like major arteries were cut, Still an area like this bleeds a lot.

I pressed the cloth at the edges of the wound, Making to not shove it into the wound.

Holding it down firmly with one hand, I spread one of my wings slightly so I could tug the leaf wrapped herb paste free.

I had pre-prepared the herbs I needed to patch up wounded, As much as I trust Mikey, I was sure he'd at least have a few scratches I'd have to treat.

Well. . .Guess I wasn't wrong. . .

Sighing, I turned back to the man lying on the make shift bed before me.

Once I was sure the bleeding had ebbed a little bit, I removed the cloth and put some of the herb mixture onto the wound carefully.

I pulled out some leaves and a leaf wrapped bundle of sap.

Using the sap like glue, I sealed the edges of the wound before sealing the large (And clean) leaves over the wound as a bandage.

Good thing the wound isn't that deep. . .These are the only things I could pack. . .


So. . .Things didn't go as planned, (Also I had to add a common sense warning 'cause I don't wanna get yelled at), Any guesses how Theo's assistance is gonna go?

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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