Chapter 38: Choice

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Annd back to Theo's Pov


I sat on top of the tree's canopy, Watching the sun set far off in the distance over the trees.

Tom had escorted Aldo away soon after our little discussion, Promising to explain our whole courting tradition to him.

Aldo had spoken with his soldiers and they all agreed to wait one more day here before heading back to their camp and then in turn, Their home.

For some odd reason, The two who had been very interested and concerned about the hurt Frog were both very eager to stay for a while longer.

A small part of me felt sorry for our town's healer, She was constantly having to work around those two.

After a long long moment of peace and quiet at what felt like the top of the world, Wing beats reached my ears.

I glanced down at Ander as he rose above the tree's canopy, Slowly landing beside me.

''Hey there. . .Figured I'd find you up here'' He whispered fondly as he sat down, Resting his wing over top of me.

Sighing, I leaned into his side as the familiar warm and soft weight of his wing rested over mine.

''What's bothering you?'' Ander questioned, Making me flush at him seeing straight through my somewhat calm composure.

I felt like shit knowing I'd have to pick between Aldo and Ander, Both of them were nice enough, And despite the fact that I knew Ander better, Aldo was destined for me.

''What makes you think something is bothering me?'' I questioned, Resting my head on top of my crossed arms, Closing my eyes as Ander gently rubbed at my back sympathetically.

''You always come up here when something is bothering you and you need to think. . .You've done this when we were young, And you still do it to this day'' Ander pointed out, His attentiveness briefly making me pause.

''Damn, That's totally not creepy at all'' I laughed out, Knowing he only knew this because he always came to check on me anytime I was distressed.

Ander smiled down at me before gently nudging me with his wing, Not letting me dodge his question.

''Oooh boy. . .Okay. . .This is a bit of a long story'' I started, Giving Ander a chance to leave before I talked his ear off.

He didn't take the chance.

Sighing, I rubbed at my eyes, My wings instinctively arching up to press against his.

''You know Aldo. . .And I'm sure you noticed the tension when he saw you resting your wing over me, Right?'' I checked, At his nod, I continued.

''He's. . .I found out when I was captured by him, That he's my destined mate'' I said, All in one rush as Ander arched his eyebrows in surprise.

After a moment of silence, Ander slowly nodded.

''Was. . .He unkind to you when he had captured you?'' Ander questioned, Tilting his head slightly as he spoke.

''No no. . .They had. . .A tradition that I was forced into against my will that nearly could have ended in me being forced into mating. . .But. . .Aldo protected me. . .From the situation he put me in. . .Other than that, He was very. . .I don't want to say kind, But he was sorta nice'' I admitted, Going on and on as Ander just patiently waited, Listening.

''I just. . .I don't know if I should go with him back to his tribe or not. . .I mean. . .Nature decided we would be good together but. . .Nature also decided it was okay to have Kiwis give birth to an egg half their size so. . .Nature doesn't always make the best choices. . .'' I muttered, Starting to ramble a bit, My brain trying to come up with reasons as to why I shouldn't go with him.

I felt obligated to go with him back to his tribe, He was supposed to end up being my mate, Add onto that he sort of helped me out, Despite me not needing his help. . .

On the other hand, I wasn't sure I wanted to go with him, If I stayed home, I could pretend that nothing had ever happened.

I could go back to courting with Ander and living out my life like I had before the attack.

''Do you. . .Possibly see yourself living with him? Accepting him as your mate?'' Ander questioned after he was silent for a while.

The sunset was almost fully gone by now, The majority of the sky a dark blueish purple, The sun itself having long since disappeared below the horizon.

 ''I. . .Why are you asking me?'' I questioned, Dodging the question.

Ander sighed, Looking towards where the sun had set, Resting his head in his arms.

''I'm not going to stop you. . .I. . .Know what it feels like to find your destined mate, How conflicting it can feel. . .Take it from me, It's not something you want to pass up. . .A destined mate is for most. . .almost always a once in a lifetime find. . .It's. . .Good to at least give it a chance'' Ander explained, Pausing multiple times to carefully choose his words.

''What. . .Are you trying to say?'' I questioned, Getting the feeling I wasn't really going to like this conversation.

''. . .What I'm saying is. . .I'm going to have to stop courting you. . .I still like you, A whole lot actually, But I'm not about to break up a destined pair'' Ander explained, Confirming what I had thought.

''Oh. . .'' I whispered, Looking back down at my hands.

I was a bit disappointed in the fact that all the emotions and time I spent with Ander, All the plans I had made when he first started courting me, To spend my life with him, Would amount to nothing as he'd no doubt wouldn't want to be friends with me if we weren't courting or dating.

''However. . .If things don't work out in the end. . .'' Ander started, Grabbing my hands and holding them gently.

''Come to me right away, I won't hesitate to go back to courting you, You'll always have me here if need be'' Ander promised.

He always was so dedicated to anything and anyone he got close to.

''Please. . .Don't wait for me. . .All I want is to be sure. . .We can still be friends if things don't work out'' I whispered hesitantly, My words slurring slightly with exhaustion.

Ander smiled, Holding his hand out towards me, His pinky finger out.

I interlocked mine with his as he whispered, 'Promise'.

Looks like I'll be leaving with Aldo. . .


Slightly late but . . .

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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