Night Attack

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Asur Camp

Bhyankarasur (screamed), 'Enough is enough! I lost two of my sons and my important warriors. All because of that God of war, Goddess of Protection and Vishnu's incarnation. Now I will not stay quiet. I am going to show them what Bhyankarasur is'

Shakuni, 'It is nighttime, all our enemies are vulnerable now. It is the perfect opportunity now.'

Rukmi, the former king of Chedi and Dilip the former prince of Pragjyotish who were defeated by Karna in his 'Digvijaya' took part in this war with Bhayankarasur to take revenge. They also agreed to attack at night and kill the humans in their sleep.  

Trikonasur, 'But father, what about the Devs? We cannot kill Dev Vasusen and Devi Avantika as they are immortals.'

Shakuni, 'We are not going to fight a full-fledged war. What we need to do is to attack suddenly and kill the Pandavas and Duryodhana.It will devastate all the Devs and Devis they have in their team. Asur Maharaj will get revenge for his sons.'

Bhyankarasur, 'Not the Pandavas, they killed my sons, I will also kill their sons. We need to find out the camp where the children of Pandavas and Duryodhana are sleeping. I just want to hear their cries after they lose their kids.'

Shakuni, 'Let's prepare then?'

Trikonasur, Uluka, Rukmi, Dilip, Vrikasura and some Asur soldiers secretly went to Pandavas camp. They used black magics to find out the tents for Uppandavas, Abhimanyu, Bhavrubahan, Iravaan, Lakshman and Ghatotkach. Slowly they tried to enter by killing some soldiers silently.  Then they entered the tent and saw all the children of Pandavas and Duryodhana were sleeping peacefully. They raised their weapons to kill them but suddenly all the children vanished. 

Uluka, 'What kind of magic is this?'

Suddenly they heard a voice from behind, 'You call yourselves Asurs and could not identify the illusions, Shame on you!' Behind them stood Karna, Krishna, Avantika, Pandavas, Duryodhana, Vikarna and Yuyutsu. All of then were glaring at the Asurs and others with hatred.

Avantika, 'We knew it, you Adharmis will never follow the code of Dharmayudhs and will do something like this. What do you think that you all come here by yourselves. At nighttime, our camp is protected by Dev Mahakal himself. The soldiers you killed were none other than illusions created by him. It was him who allowed you to come here so that we can easily trap you.'

Dilip, 'You cannot kill us here, this is not the law.'

Karna, 'Do you think we are the fools who will follow Dharma like stupids. By planning this secret assassination of our kids you yourself had broken the law and now we are  also not abided by law to fight you.'

Both the parties charged towards each other. Sahadev attacked  Uluka with his ax. Both of them were mighty warriors but Sahadev prepared himself for this war for the last 13 years. Uluka tortured the people of HP, they tried to kill their family, today he was not going to spare them, while Yudhistir fought with Vrikasura with spears. Vrikasura knew Yudi was too Dharmavaan and would always use copybook fighting techniques, so he started continuously taunting him, he called Kunti a characterless woman and Karna an illegitimate. But for the last 13 years, Yudi also learned from Avantika, how to keep one's head cool during the war.  So he fought with a cool head and defeated him. While Sahadev killed Uluka after a fierce duel. 

Karna fought with Trikonasur. Both of them were excellent warriors but Karna was the God of War, so after some time overpowered Trikonasur. But to his surprise, none of his weapons could kill Trikonasur.

Trikonasur, 'Ha, ha, any living creature who is a man, woman or eunuch can kill me Dev Vasusen. Today none of you will be able to kill me, I am immortal, I will come back with more power and destroy you all.'

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