Chapter 18

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The next morning flew by

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The next morning flew by. Peter and I were sitting at lunch with the Cullen's when our watches started alerting us of a mission. Peter and I opened the alert. Tony soon started calling us. "We need you both now. We are coming to get you be ready in 20. We found another base. I already called your school to get you out." He hung up.

Peter and I jumped up and headed to our jeeps. Before I get out of the school doors, jasper stopped me. "Are you really going? What if you get hurt?" He said.

"Jasper, this is my job I have to okay. I will be fine. I will call you when I get back home." I said giving him a long passionate kiss. He finally lets me go. As I am walking to the jeep I call Sam and Emily.


"Hey, peter and I won't be there for dinner tonight. We just got called out for a mission and do not know when we will be back" I told him.

"Snow, please be careful okay? Emily and I will be very uspet if you get hurt." He said. I chuckled at his response.

"Don't worry, peter and I will be back soon."

"Good luck"

As peter and I pull up to our house, we park and grab all of our gear. The jets soon lands and I tap my necklace once to get my avengers suit on.

"Alright, intel shows this base is active and heavily guarded. It is showing experiments on animals so whatever you find be careful. Bucky and Payton you two will be teaming up together, peter and sam, nat and me, and client and tony" steve says. "Get in find what you find, get all the intel you can, and get out."

We soon reach the location. We split into our teams. Bucky and I take off into the base and start looking for the animals to try and rescue. I run into a couple agent and start to fight them taking them down quickly and keep moving. As I am walking I approach a steel door. I open it and inside is a mix of wolf/dog.

I try and use my powers to connect with it

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I try and use my powers to connect with it. "I am Payton, can you understand me?"

"Yes, my name is Ash. Please do not hurt me anymore."

"I am not here to hurt you. I want to help you. Will you let me?"

"Please just get me out of here."

I walk over slowly and undo the chains. When he stands up he is pretty huge. I motion him to follow me. "Ash I need you to stay right behind me and if any hydra agent sneaks up on us take them down." He gives me a bark in understanding. "We are almost to the team okay. I need you to promise me you will not bite any of them."

"Of course I won't. Just please take me with you. I have no pack."

"I will be your pack if you listen to me okay?"

"Yes anything"

As we get closer I hear guns shots. As we get to the team I see them get ready and shot at the wolf before I have time to say anything I jump in front of Ash saving him.

"Are you fucking kidding my natasha. He is one of the experiments."

"Oh shit I am so sorry." She says walking up to me.

"Get the fuck away now." I say making her stop in her tracks.

"This is ash. He has no pack and is coming with me as a companion. You fight me on this and you will be sorry."

Before we can load up, more hydra agents come out and get four more shots in me. Jasper is going to be pissed. So is sam and Emily. But right now I have to get ash out of here. We finally take them all down and get on the jet.

"You took a bullet for me" ash says.

"Yes I did. You are now my companion I will not let anything hurt you." I tell Ash.

I start to collapse from five gun shot wounds. Bruce and tony soon get to work on fixing me up but cannot do it. I am losing a lot of blood.
"Peter call Carlisle. He can help." He steps away and makes the call and tells Clint to go to the Cullen's house.

"Ash when we get there I need you to stay with Peter okay. I need you to listen to him at all times." I say. Ash comes up and lays his head on my stomach whimpering. I start petting his head and my eyes get heavy.

"Payton I need you to stay awake." Tony says.

"PAYTON" Peter yells.

That was the last thing I heard before I fell unconscious.

We soon reach the Cullen's and Payton is still unconscious

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We soon reach the Cullen's and Payton is still unconscious. As the team walks off the jet, I am carrying Payton in my arms. I see carlisle waiting for us and I am rushing her in. We pass the rest of the Cullen's but my main concern right now is my sister. Ash is following me whimpering that his human is now hurt and bleeding.

Carlisle, tony, and bruce get to work kicking us out. Ash and I go back downstairs and I see jasper looking like he's ready to kill.

"What. Happened." He hissed out.

"The first shot happened from natasha, she didn't know the ash was one of the animals being experimented on. Ash chose Payton as his human and companion. Nat when to shot ash not knowing what was happening and Payton stepped in front of the bullet. The other four were from another ambush from hydra agents.
We were able to take them down and clear the base but on the way here she started losing a lot of blood. It was too much for tony and bruce to handle on their own so she told me to call Carlisle." I told him. He nodded his head.

"I called sam they should be here soon" Esme said.

No more than 5 minutes sam, paul, and jared were busting into the house looking for Payton.

"Where is she." Sam says.

"Still in surgery."

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